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CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY ELECTRONIC REPORTING <br />GRANT AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE <br />CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY <br />AND <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />CERTIFIED UNIFIED PROGRAM AGENCY <br />AGREEMENT NO. G10- UPA -82 <br />State and Grantee hereby agree as follows: <br />1. PROVISIONS. The following statute authorizes the State to enter into this Grant Agreement: <br />a. California Health and Safety Code, division 20, chapter 6.11, section 25404 <br />2. PURPOSE. The State shall provide a grant to and for the benefit of the Grantee for the purpose of allocating <br />monies from the regulated businesses oversight surcharge to the Certified Unified Program Agencies <br />(CUPAs). Assembly Bill 2286 authorizes the Secretary to use funds from the oversight surcharge to provide <br />certified unified program agencies and participating agencies assistance in implementing electronic reporting <br />requirements through grant funds for the purposes of the system. Up to 25% of the grant is authorized to be <br />paid in advance on approval of the grant application. <br />3. GRANT AMOUNT. $45,810 <br />a. Advanced Payment Amount. $11,452.50 <br />4. TERM OF AGREEMENT. The term of the Agreement shall begin on January 1, 2010, and end on March 31, <br />2013. ABSOLUTELY NO GRANT DISBURSEMENT REQUESTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER June 1, <br />2013. <br />5. REPRESENTATIVES. Either party may change its Representative(s) upon written notice to the other party. The <br />Representatives during the term of this Agreement will be: <br />California Environmental Protection Agency <br />GRANT MANAGER <br />James Bohon <br />1001 "1" Street, 2nd Floor <br />Sacramento, California 95814 <br />Phone (916) 327 -5097 <br />Fax (916) 322 -5615 <br />Email: <br />City of San Leandro Environmental Services Section <br />GRANTEE <br />GRANT CONTACT <br />Name of Project Director, Title: Michael Bakaldin, <br />Director of Public Works <br />Name: John Camp, Environmental Services <br />Supervisor <br />Street Address: 835 East 14 Street <br />Street Address: 835 East 14 Street <br />City, Zip: San Leandro, 94577 <br />City, Zip: San Leandro, 94577 <br />Phone: 510- 577 -3440 <br />Phone: 510- 577 -6029 <br />Fax: 510- 352 -1192 <br />Fax: 510- 577 -6019 <br />e -mail: mbakaldin <br />e-mail: jcamp <br />6. STANDARD AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following exhibits are attached and made a part of this Agreement by this <br />reference: <br />Exhibit A REPORTING AND GRANT DISBURSEMENT PROVISIONS <br />Exhibit B SPECIAL AND GENERAL PROVISIONS <br />Exhibit C GRANT APPLICATION <br />Exhibit D TRANSITION PLAN <br />