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Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code - Article 19 <br />natural and non - synthetic fertilizers to rectify any soil <br />deficiencies; <br />j. if the soils are to be irrigated with recycled water the lab report <br />recommendations be tailored to recycled water; <br />k. the types of plantings intended such as turf, perennial bed, <br />annual bed, swale etc be provided to the soil laboratory; and <br />management actions be identified to remediate limiting soil <br />characteristics such as ripping the soil to alleviate soil <br />compaction. <br />6. Grading Design Plan submitted in an applicant's Landscape <br />Documentation Package shall include: <br />a. height of graded slopes; <br />b. drainage patterns; <br />C. pad elevations; <br />d. finish grade; and, <br />e. stormwater retention improvements, if applicable. <br />This requirement may be fulfilled by providing the aforementioned <br />information on the Landscape Design Plan. <br />C. Irrigation is Required A permanent and automatic irrigation system that <br />complies with all design standards specified in this article shall be provided <br />for all new and renovated landscaped areas exceeding five hundred (500) <br />square feet except residential landscapes that are less than five thousand <br />(5,000) square feet. The Zoning Enforcement Official may waive this <br />requirement due to significant physical constraints. A statement regarding <br />the provision of an irrigation system shall be made on the final landscape <br />plans. <br />An Irrigation Design Plan shall be submitted as part of the Landscape <br />Documentation Package (when required) or when made a condition of <br />approval or required by the Zoning Enforcement Official. When required, <br />the Irrigation Design Plan shall include the following information: <br />1. Location and size of separate water meters for landscape; <br />2. Location, type and size of all components of the irrigation system, <br />including controllers, main and lateral lines, valves, sprinkler heads, <br />moisture sensing devices, rain switches, quick couplers, pressure <br />regulators, and backflow prevention devices; <br />3. Static water pressure at the point of connection to the public water <br />AR.19 <br />Page 6 of 20 <br />