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File Number: 12 -263 <br />Public present: None <br />Councilmember Prola called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Committee Chair and Future Committee Meeting Day and <br />Time <br />Committee Members concurred that Councilmember Prola be appointed as the Committee's <br />Chair. Business Development Manager Battenberg stated that the Committee meetings would <br />be quarterly or on an `as needed' basis. City Manager Zapata asked if there was a preference <br />to have the meetings in the City Council Chambers, a room that is equipped to digitally record <br />the meetings so they can be available to the public. The Committee replied that if there were <br />to be high priority items or important issues for the Committee to discuss, perhaps those <br />meetings can be recorded. As it currently is, City staff provides the meeting's highlights to the <br />public by posting them on the City's website. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Continued Community Input from a Subset of the Shoreline <br />Development Citizens Advisory Committee <br />Manager Battenberg provided the Committee with an overview of the Shoreline Development <br />Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC); see attached. Initially it was a 33 person committee. The <br />Mayor added three additional persons last year. The CAC comprised a broad cross - section of <br />stakeholders. The CAC has been a dedicated and knowledgeable group that provided <br />valuable input to the master developer with respect to the landside development and the <br />future of the harbor basin. Although the CAC's responsibility to review the future master plan <br />for the shoreline and the harbor basin concluded last year, 21 of the individuals are interested <br />in continuing to participate in providing feedback on future iterations of the master plan. As the <br />master plan is revised or refined they could comment on issues such as harbor design, <br />architectural design, traffic and other environmental mitigation measures, and other issues <br />that arise. <br />Manager Battenberg stated that the future meetings of the advisory group would be held on <br />third Wednesdays of the month, as needed. Some meetings might be held at City buildings <br />such as the Marina Community Center or the Senior Community Center, to save costs on <br />facility rental fees. <br />The Committee concurred that some meetings should be held in City buildings to save money <br />and commented that the success of the CAC is likely because it was modeled after the <br />Transit Oriented Development (TOD) CAC which was also a very dedicated group and <br />instrumental with substantive recommendations for the City's TOD strategy. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends the City Council approve a 21- person subset of the CAC to <br />continue to serve as an advisory group to the City and Cal -Coast to assist in refining the plans <br />and studies for the shoreline development project including the harbor basin redevelopment. <br />3. Update on Redevelopment Plans for the Harbor Basin <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 512912012 <br />