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File Number: 12 -263 <br />Manager Pollart provided an update on the redevelopment plans for the harbor basin. City <br />staff met with Bay Conservation Development Commission (BCDC) staff in January 2012 to <br />receive input on the harbor basin alternatives. BCDC staff recommended that the future <br />master plan for the harbor basin either be for recreational purposes or habitat restoration. <br />BCDC further advised that any plan should include very little fill and that dredged materials <br />could not be used as a fill material. <br />Staff recommends that the City explore the possibility of creating a harbor basin plan that <br />promotes hand - powered watercraft uses in the north and south basins including a boat rental <br />facility and casual dining option that builds on the boat launch ramp and San Leandro's <br />location on the Bay Water Trail. <br />Staff further recommends the City retain a consultant to provide technical expertise and <br />create a harbor basin redevelopment plan for Cal -Coast to include in the entitlement <br />application. The projected cost for this work is $20,000 or less and there is sufficient funding <br />available in the FY 2011 -12 Shoreline Enterprise Fund budget to complete the work. As time <br />is of the essence and the cost of the study is within the City Manager's purview to approve, <br />staff requests direction from the Committee to proceed in retaining a consultant to expand <br />upon the existing conceptual plans for the harbor basin. <br />Vice Mayor Gregory would like to see both recreational and wildlife habitat components in the <br />harbor plan as the two together would have synergy. The City should consider a consulting <br />firm with more vision and successful history in providing a plan with the two components. <br />Perhaps there should be a competition to find a creative person or firm that can deliver both in <br />an acceptable manner to the permitting agencies. <br />The Committee concurred with staff's recommendation that the City enter into a Consultant <br />Services Agreement for approximately $20,000 with a qualified firm for design and <br />environmental work to create a redevelopment plan for the harbor basin emphasizing <br />recreational uses. <br />4. Public Comments <br />None <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />There being no Committee Member comments, City Manager Zapata stated that there are <br />other components to the Shoreline project such as improvements to Marina Boulevard, <br />renegotiation of shoreline businesses' leases, the impact of East Bay Regional Park District's <br />Measure WW improvements, and that an update on these items as well as the Shoreline <br />Enterprise Fund will be brought to future meetings. Manager Battenberg stated that the next <br />Committee meeting will likely be in July. <br />6. Adjourn <br />Councilmember Prola adjourned the meeting at 4:35 p.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 512912012 <br />