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File Number: 12 -310 <br />7. Public Comments <br />Eagle Scout candidate Steven Ilmerger addressed the committee regarding his interest in doing <br />an Eagle Scout project on habitat restoration. He would like to create an outdoor classroom and <br />trail that leads to the San Leandro Creek behind Bancroft Middle School at the end of Cary Drive. <br />This would give students an opportunity to learn about the creek and the environment. <br />Piggybacking on this request, Councilmember Gregory said that he has suggested that the <br />Superintendent and Hank Ackerman, Alameda County Flood Control director, meet and discuss <br />the possibility of redeveloping this site. <br />8. Committee Comments <br />• Councilmember Cutter commented that she is excited about the future of Burrell Field. <br />• Councilmember Gregory reported that the City was awarded two Safe Routes to School <br />grants, amounting to approximately $900,000, to conduct traffic safety education <br />programs for San Leandro High School (Bancroft and 136th Avenue intersection) and <br />thirteen K -8 schools. <br />He also reported that Tuesday night, the Richmond City Council voted to place a <br />penny - per -ounce soda tax measure on the November 6 ballot. He would like to see the <br />committee discuss this item at the next meeting. <br />Piggybacking on the creation of a multi -use type pavilion for the creek area, Board member <br />Prola suggested that might be a project for parents who are interested in beautifying the <br />district. <br />• Board President Mack -Rose reminded the committee to "Save the Date" for the Annual <br />Kickoff Campaign of the San Leandro Education Foundation (SLED) 100 on June 27, <br />hosted by the Gregory's. <br />9. NEXT MEETING (July) Agenda Items <br />• Marketing of Rentable Facilities <br />• Bancroft Middle School (BMS) and Friends of the Creek <br />• Update on Health Center Concept <br />• Costs of the Park Ranger Program at BMS <br />• Soda Tax Concept <br />10. Adjourn <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 611212012 <br />