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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />WHEREAS, City staff has worked with AC Transit staff to refine the Project <br />design to the extent possible to meet City goals and to implement a project <br />incorporating transit, bicycle, pedestrian and vehicle improvement; and <br />WHEREAS, the City's designation of a "Locally Preferred Alternative" is <br />exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to, without limitation, <br />CEQA Guidelines section 15262; now, therefore be it <br />RESOLVED that the City designates Option , of the two options indicated <br />I7on- te <br />Option 1: The original LPA that has dedicated lanes to approximately Georgia Way with <br />minor modifications that were recently introduced by AC Transit to reduce parking <br />impacts and relocates stations to shorten walking distances to stations from senior <br />housing locations as shown in Exhibit 1; and, <br />the following conditions: <br />• AC Transit to offer a continuous service on East 14 Street that allows riders to <br />travel between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without a need to <br />transfer buses. <br />• AC Transit to explore and implement ideas that create a "Complete Transit <br />Experience" for San Leandro citizens that include a more encompassing and <br />frequent east -west service that allows transit users to reach locations such as <br />BART, BRT, shopping and work centers in a convenient and timely manner. <br />• AC Transit as soon as possible is to explore the means and feasibility of <br />extending BRT along the length of East 14 Street to Bay Fair BART insuring the <br />flexibility of adding this segment in the future. <br />Option 2: An LPA that is modified and eliminates elements of the original LPA which <br />was introduced by AC Transit at the May 31 st joint meeting that ends dedicated lanes at <br />just south of Broadmoor Boulevard and relocates stations to shorten walking distances <br />to senior housing locations as shown in Exhibit 2; and, <br />the following conditions: <br />• AC Transit to offer a continuous service on East 14 Street that allows riders to <br />travel between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without a need to <br />transfer buses. <br />