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2A Work Session 2012 0709
City Clerk
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Packet 2012 0709
2A Work Session 2012 0709
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7/6/2012 6:08:48 PM
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7/6/2012 1:44:38 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />• AC Transit to explore and implement ideas that create a "Complete Transit <br />Experience" for San Leandro citizens that include a more encompassing and <br />frequent east -west service that allows transit users to reach locations such as <br />BART, BRT, shopping and work centers in a convenient and timely manner. <br />AC Transit as soon as possible is to explore the means and feasibility of <br />extending BRT along the length of East 14 Street to Bay Fair BART insuring the <br />flexibility of adding this segment in the future. <br />• AC Transit is to make accommodations for southbound East 14 Street left turn <br />to eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The Alameda- Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit) East Bay Bus Rapid Transit <br />(BRT) Project is proposed to provide high quality, fast and frequent express bus service <br />along a 14 -mile long corridor between downtown Berkeley at the northern end, through <br />downtown Oakland to San Leandro at the southern end. In San Leandro, the alignment <br />runs along East 14 Street to Davis Street, then San Leandro Boulevard to the San <br />Leandro BART Station. There are 5 of the 32 BRT stations within San Leandro with <br />one of them located in the median and the remaining as curb extensions or sidewalk <br />plaza with level station boarding and ticket stations. Basic features of the proposed <br />BRT system include transit priority at all signalized intersections, new passenger <br />stations with ticket vending machines, substantial shelters, and a combination of mixed - <br />flow and dedicated travel lanes throughout the propose alignment. <br />Planning for this project by AC Transit has been ongoing since the completion of an <br />Alternative Mode Analysis in 1993 that identified priority corridors and candidate <br />technologies for major transit investments that would provide cost effective methods to <br />serve the East Bay Corridor's ridership. From 1999 to 2002 AC Transit conducted a <br />Major Investment Study (MIS) of the Berkeley /Oakland /San Leandro corridor to <br />examine alternatives for improved transit service. AC Transit prepared the MIS with <br />input and guidance from key stakeholder agencies, elected officials, community leaders <br />and the general public. The result of the MIS was that AC Transit identified BRT as the <br />preferred alternative with the understanding that light -rail transit (LRT) should be <br />considered as a long -term goal. BRT was selected because it provided high- capacity <br />express operation along dedicated lanes on existing roadways, many of the same <br />features of LRT and would attract a large number of new riders at a much lower cost <br />with fewer traffic, parking and construction impacts than LRT. Bus Rapid Transit is a <br />transportation system that operates like a LRT, but uses buses instead of rail vehicles. <br />In 2003 AC Transit initiated the CEQA process for BRT releasing for public review a <br />Draft EIS /EIR (DEIS /DEIR) in May 2007. The DEIS /DEIR evaluated four transit <br />improvement alternatives for BRT. The City of San Leandro and along with more than <br />200 agencies, individuals and organization provided review comments on the draft <br />
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