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10F Action 2012 0716
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Packet 2012 0716
10F Action 2012 0716
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File Number: 12 -341 <br />being able to regulate or prohibit the establishment of medical marijuana collectives, <br />cooperatives, and dispensaries as legitimate land uses. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Of the two opinions up for California Supreme Court review (Riverside and Lake Forest), the <br />League of California Cities believes that City of Lake Forest appears to be the <br />better - reasoned and supported. That court analyzed the text and the intent of the CUA and <br />MMPA to find that state law preempted Lake Forest's zoning prohibition on medical marijuana <br />dispensaries. In addition to relying on the state statutory exemptions from nuisance <br />prosecutions, the court cited the statutory purposes of the CUA and MMPA -to provide <br />distribution of medical marijuana to all patients who need it and promote uniform application of <br />the Acts across California counties. Local zoning bans would defeat these statutory goals. <br />The narrow preemption finding in City of Lake Forest would preserve significant regulatory <br />latitude for cities and counties. It limits state preemption to dispensaries that are also <br />grow- sites. All dispensaries operating independently of grow -sites may be banned. <br />Additionally, the opinion preserves the ability of cities to regulate medical marijuana <br />dispensaries by limiting them to certain zoning districts, requiring business licenses for <br />operation, and other similar measures. However, the ruling also leaves some practical <br />questions unanswered, e.g., what if zoning regulations do not bar medical marijuana <br />dispensaries on their face, but, as a practical matter, preclude the development of medical <br />marijuana dispensaries anywhere in the jurisdiction? The court's analysis in City of Riverside <br />was more cursory. The court failed to explain why Civil Code section 3482 does not preempt <br />nuisance prosecutions against statutorily authorized and otherwise lawful medical marijuana <br />dispensaries. Instead, it merely concluded that state law did not expressly prohibit local bans <br />on dispensaries.. <br />City of Riverside and City of Lake Forest have been de- published pursuant to the California <br />Supreme Court's grant of certiorari. On July 2nd, County of Los Angeles became the current <br />law, which is that a local jurisdiction's ordinance prohibiting the establishment of dispensaries, <br />or other facilities to cultivate or distribute medical marijuana by collectives or cooperatives as <br />defined under the MMPA is unlawful; State law prohibits local jurisdictions from enacting bans <br />on medical marijuana dispensaries, grow facilities, collectives, or cooperatives. <br />Since the appellate court's July 2nd decision in County of Los Angeles, the City Attorney's <br />Office learned of the following: <br />❖ City attorneys throughout the State think that the California Supreme Court will grant <br />review of the County of Los Angeles decision, or de- publish the opinion. The timing for the <br />Supreme Court's grant of review, or a decision on de- publishing could be quicker than <br />when City of Lake Forest was ultimately granted certiorari, which was three months after <br />the opinion was filed in February of this year. <br />❖ The California Supreme Court will ultimately decide the state law pre - emption issue. How <br />soon is unclear, but other city attorneys think by the end of this year, or early 2013 at the <br />latest. In the meantime, several jurisdictions with existing bans in place are awaiting the <br />outcome of the issue before making any decisions on their existing ordinances. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 711012012 <br />
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