<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: October 1, 2012 Staff Report File Number: 12-445 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: 8.D. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: Lianne Marshall Assistant City Manager FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum Finance Director TITLE: Staff Report for Resolution Approving a Standard Support Maintenance Agreement with New
<br />World Systems to Continue to Provide On-going Support for the Police Department's Integrated Justice Information System (IJIS) for Five Years Commencing September 1, 2012 Through August
<br />31, 2017 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The San Leandro Police Department installed IJIS in 2006. The system provides the automation for the majority of activities within the Police Department.
<br />The standard support maintenance agreement for the last five years was last approved by the City Council in July 2010. Staff negotiated a new five-year contract reducing the cost of
<br />the support agreement by $36,000 annually and extending the contract through August 31, 2017. Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution to approve a new five-year agreement
<br />with New World Systems for the maintenance of the IJIS in the amount of $178,258 for the first year, which includes a 5% increase annually over the next four (4) years. The five-year
<br />Maintenance Agreement allows early termination should future budget restrictions require such action. BACKGROUND The San Leandro Police Department went out to bid in July 2004 to replace
<br />the Police Department’s 17-year-old Computer Aided Dispatch/Records Management System (CAD/RMS) with an integrated system that interfaces with federal, state and county agencies for
<br />Property, Jail, Dispatch, Patrol, Investigations, Traffic and Records functions. New World Systems was awarded the contract in March 2005. The original software costs, including a five-year
<br />maintenance agreement, were $1.8 million. The system now integrates with the City’s Geographical Information Software (GIS) and additional modules have been added to assist the Criminal
<br />Investigations Division and Dispatch. Analysis City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />File Number: 12-445 Implementation has been very successful and the San Leandro Police Department has become a premier New World site. San Leandro sits on one New World advisory committee
<br />providing input and guidance on future functionality. The San Leandro Police Department staff is also leading the New World California User’s group. The Police Department continues to
<br />be a reference site for New World Systems and over 30 public safety agencies have visited San Leandro to evaluate New World’s capabilities and seek advice for successfully implementing
<br />the software and streamlining operations. Staff renegotiated the costs of the maintenance agreement by reviewing and reducing the number of licenses based on efficiencies that have been
<br />implemented in the Police Department. New World Systems provides 12 hours per day, 5 days a week support on non-critical systems and 24 hour per day, 7 days a week support on CAD and
<br />Mobile products. All software upgrade costs are included in the agreement. Previous Actions · On On March 7, 2005, by Resolution No. 2005-022, the City Council approved a Contractual
<br />Services Agreement with New World Systems for the purchase of an Integrated Justice Information System (IJIS) to replace the Computer Automated Dispatch and Records Management System
<br />(CAD/RMS). · On July 19, 2010, by Resolution No. 2010-094, the City Council approved a Standard Support Maintenance Agreement with New World Systems to continue to provide ongoing support
<br />for the Police Department’s Integrated Justice Information System (IJIS) for five years commencing September 1, 2010 through August 31, 2015. Fiscal Impacts The annual cost of the maintenance
<br />agreement for IJIS was included in the adopted FY 2012-2013 Internal Service Fund budget. No additional funding is required. Budget Authority The maintenance agreement cost is $178,258
<br />for FY 2012-13 reducing annual costs by $36,730. The maintenance agreement is currently funded at $210,000 in FY 2012-13. Earlier this year, staff negotiated a $4,988 reduction without
<br />an extended maintenance agreement. ATTACHMENTS None. PREPARED BY: Rayan Fowler, Information Systems Manager, City Manager’s Office City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: October 1, 2012 Resolution -Council File Number: 12-446 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: Lianne Marshall Assistant City Manager FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum Finance Director TITLE: ADOPT: Resolution Approving a Standard Software Maintenance Agreement with New World Systems
<br />Corporation Agreement (approves a five-year maintenance agreement for the Police Department's Integrated Justice Information System [IJIS] in the amount of $178,258 for the first year
<br />-a $36,000 reduction from the approved FY 2012-13 Internal Service Fund Budgeted Expenditure) WHEREAS, an agreement between the City of San Leandro and New World Systems Corporation,
<br />a copy of which is attached, has been presented to this City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended
<br />approval of said agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:That said agreement is hereby approved and execution by the City Manager
<br />is hereby authorized. City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA NEW WORLD SYSTEMS CORPORATION STANDARD SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Standard Software Maintenance Agreement (SSMA) between New World
<br />Systems Corporation (New World) and San Leandro, CA (Customer) sets forth the standard software maintenance support services provided by New World. 1. Service Period This SSMA supersedes
<br />the SSMA signed in July 2010 and shall remain in effect for a period of five (5) years from (start date) 9/1/12 to (end date) 8/31/17. 2. Services Include The following services or features
<br />are available under this SSMA: (a) Upgrades, including new releases, to the Licensed Standard Software (prior releases of Licensed Standard Software application packages are supported
<br />no longer than nine (9) months after a new release is announced by New World). (b) Temporary fixes to Licensed Standard Software (see paragraph 6 below). Software fixes will be delivered
<br />electronically. (c) Revisions to Licensed Documentation. Documentation will be delivered delivered electronically. (d) Reasonable telephone support for Licensed Standard Software on
<br />Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone). (e) Invitation to and participation in user group meetings. (f) Emergency 24-hour per day telephone support, for
<br />Aegis CAD and Mobile Switch Software, seven (7) days per week for Licensed Standard Software. Normal service is available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Eastern Time Zone). After 8:00
<br />p.m., the Aegis CAD phone support will be provided via beeper and a New World support representative will respond to CAD service calls within 30 minutes of call initiation. (g) Includes
<br />ESRI Integration for the ESRI software that is part of Exhibit A Licensed Standard Software. Items a, b, and c above will be provided to Customer by electronic means. Additional support
<br />services are available as requested by Customer using the then-current hourly rates or applicable fees. 3. Maintenance for Modified Licensed Standard Software and Custom Software Customer
<br />is advised that if it requests or makes changes or modifications to the Licensed Standard Software, these changes or modifications (no matter who makes them) make the modified Licensed
<br />Standard Software more difficult to maintain. If New World agrees to provide maintenance support for Custom Software or Licensed Standard Software modified at Customer's request, then
<br />the additional New World maintenance or support services provided shall be billed at the then-current hourly fees plus reasonable expenses. 4. Billing Maintenance costs will be billed
<br />annually as detailed on the following page. If taxes are imposed, they are the responsibility of the Customer and will be remitted to New World upon being invoiced. 5. Additions of Software
<br />to Maintenance Agreement Additional Licensed Standard Software licensed from New World will be added to the SSMA per the terms of the contract adding the software. Maintenance costs
<br />for the additional software will be billed to Customer on a pro rata basis for the remainder of the current maintenance year and on a full year basis thereafter.
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA 6. Requests for Software Correction on Licensed Standard Software At any time during the SSMA period, if Customer believes that the Licensed
<br />Standard Software does not conform to the current specifications set forth in the user manuals, Customer must notify New World in writing that there is a claimed defect and specify which
<br />feature and/or report Customer believes to be defective. Before any notice is sent to New World, it must be reviewed and approved by the Customer Liaison. Documented examples of the
<br />claimed defect must accompany each notice. New World will review the documented notice and when a feature or report does not conform to the published specifications, New World will provide
<br />software correction service at no charge. A non-warranty request is handled as a billable Request for Service (RFS). The no charge software correction service does not apply to any of
<br />the following: (a) situations where the Licensed Standard Software has been changed by anyone anyone other than New World personnel; (b) situations where Customer's use or operations
<br />error causes incorrect information or reports to be generated; and; (c) requests that go beyond the scope of the specifications set forth in the current User Manuals. 7. Maintenance
<br />Costs for Licensed Standard Software Packages Covered for IBM AS/New World agrees to provide software maintenance at the costs listed below for the following New World Licensed Standard
<br />Software packages installed at Customer's location: Application Package Number of Modules 1. Aegis® Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) 14 2. Aegis® Law Enforcement Records Software 23 3.
<br />Aegis® Public Safety Interface Software 7 4. Aegis® Corrections Management Software 12 5. Aegis® Photo Imaging Software 2 6. Aegis® Data Analysis/Crime Mapping/Mgt Reporting 2 7. Aegis®
<br />Web Applications 1 8. Aegis® Mobile Management Server Software 4 9. Aegis® Mobile Software on the RS6000 5 10. Aegis® Mobile Client Laptop Software 10 11. Aegis® Mobile Software on the
<br />400 or MSP Server 2 12. Aegis® ESRI Embedded Applications -Upgrades 2 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE COST: See Below Period Covered Annual Amount Billing Date 9/1/2012 to 8/31/2013 $178,258 8/15/2012
<br />9/1/2013 to 8/31/2014 $187,171 8/15/2013 9/1/2014 to 8/31/2015 $196,530 8/15/2014 9/1/2015 to 8/31/2016 $206,356 8/15/2015 9/1/2016 to 8/31/2017 $216,674 8/15/2016 Note: Unless extended
<br />by New World, the above costs are available for 90 days after submission of the costs to Customer. After 90 days, New World may change the costs. ALL INVOICES ARE DUE FIFTEEN (15) DAYS
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA 8. Non-funding Provision In the event Customer does not appropriate funds to complete payments due under this SSMA, the amount due for the
<br />fiscal year not appropriated shall be terminated; provided, however, the Customer shall have given New World written notice ninety (90) days prior to the anniversary date on which they
<br />are exercising the non-funding provision, and further provided that any other payments due to New World are fully paid, and further provided that New World’s obligations and services
<br />under this SSMA shall also be terminated. Without Customer’s fulfillment of the above provisions, Customer’s obligation to pay New World the annual SSMA payments remains in effect through
<br />the expiration date of this SSMA Agreement. 9. Terms and Conditions This Agreement is covered by the Terms and Conditions specified in the Licensing Agreement(s) for the software contained
<br />herein. ACCEPTED BY: ACCEPTED BY: Customer: San Leandro, CA New World Systems Corporation Name: ___________________________________ Name: _________________________________ Title: ____________________
<br />_______________ Title: _________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Approved as to form: _ ___________________
<br />By signing above, each of us agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and as incorporated herein. Each individual signing represents that (s)he has the requisite authority
<br />to execute this Agreement on behalf of the organization for which (s)he represents and that all the necessary formalities have been met.
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA San Leandro, CA Licensed Application Software At August, 2012 1. Aegis® Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) -LE CAD -Single Jurisdiction MSP -Base
<br />-CAD Messaging Module -Call Scheduling Module -Call Stacking Module -Dispatch Questionnaire Module -Geo-File Verification Module -Hazard and Location Alerts Module -Interface to Aegis®
<br />Law Enforcement Records Module -Note Pads Module -Unit Control Panel Module -Unit Recommendation Module -CAD Mapping MSP -Service Vehicle Rotation MSP -Briefing Notes CAD MSP (Includes
<br />BOLOs) 2. Aegis® Law Enforcement Records Software -LE Records Single Jurisdiction Base MSP -Base -Accidents Module -Arrest Module -Business Registry Module -Case Processing Module -Computer
<br />Aided Investigations Module -Federal Reports (UCR/IBR) Module -Geo-File Verification Module -Impounded Vehicles Module -Incident Tracking Module -Jacket Processing Module -Personnel
<br />/Education Module -Property Module -Traffic Tickets and Citations Module -Wants and Warrants Module -LE Records Federal & State Compliance MSP -Field Investigations MSP -Case Management
<br />MSP -Pawn Shops MSP -Alarms Tracking and Billing MSP -Property Room Bar Coding MSP -Career Criminal Registry MSP -Gang Tracking MSP
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA San Leandro, CA Licensed Application Software At August, 2012 3. Aegis® Public Safety Interface Software -State/NCIC Interface MSP -On-Line
<br />CAD Interface to State/NCIC MSP -On-Line Wants & Warrants Interface to State/NCIC MSP -On-Line Property Checks Interface to State/NCIC MSP -E-911 Interface MSP -On-Line Global Subjects
<br />Interface to State/NCIC MSP -Citizens Reporting Interface MSP 4. Aegis® Corrections Management Software -Corrections Management Base MSP -Base -Interface to Aegis® Law Enforcement Records
<br />Module -Bookings Module -Custody Tracking Module -Inmate Classification Module -Inmate Property Tracking Module -Inmate Tracking and Processing -Federal & State Corrections Compliance
<br />MSP -Base -Federal and State Corrections Reporting Module -FBI Fingerprint Card Module -State Fingerprint Card Module -Cogent Interface MSP 5. Aegis® Photo Imaging Software -Digital
<br />Imaging MSP -Public Safety Mug Shots/Line-Ups MSP -Digital Imaging 6. Aegis® Data Analysis/Crime Mapping/Mgt Reporting -Analysis Base With One Application -Analysis Second Application
<br />7. Aegis® Web Applications -Web CAD Monitor 8. Aegis® Mobile Management Server Software -Field Reporting Server -Data Merge to Aegis/MSP LE Records -AVL Mapping Server -Base CAD/NCIC/Messaging
<br />
<br />(Rev SSMA 03/06) CONFIDENTIAL San Leandro, CA San Leandro, CA Licensed Application Software At August, 2012 9. Aegis® Mobile Software on the RS6000 -Base Message Switch to NCIC -RS/6000
<br />State/NCIC Interface -New World CAD Interface for Aegis/MSP -Mobile Upload Software -AVL Interface 10. Aegis® Mobile Client Laptop Software -LE State/NCIC via Switch 65 User(s) -LE Field
<br />Reporting 65 User(s) -LE Accident Field Reporting 65 User(s) -Mobile Upload of Field Reports 65 User(s) -LE CAD Via Switch 65 User(s) -LE Accident Field Reporting Compliance 65 User(s)
<br />-LE Field Reporting Compliance 65 User(s) -Mugshot Images Download 65 User(s) -In Car Mapping 35 User(s) -Field Investigation Field Reporting 65 User(s) 11. Aegis® Mobile Software on
<br />the 400 or MSP Server -AVL CAD Interface -MDT/MCT Base CAD/RMS Interface 12. Aegis® ESRI Embedded Applications -Upgrades -Mobile In-Car Mapping Integration -ArcGIS Standard Enterprise
<br />Server Integration