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certificates in FY 2011 -2012. The number of Section 8 vouchers that were provided increased <br />by fourteen (14) vouchers from last year's count of 1,388. <br />Priority # 3. Assist low- and moderate - income first -time homebuyers. <br />Activities: <br />♦ Mortgage Credit Certificate Program <br />The City participates in the Alameda County Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program and <br />provides pro -rated administrative funding for the program. The MCC Program provides income - <br />eligible first -time homebuyer the opportunity to reduce the amount of federal income tax (15% <br />of the mortgage interest payments) they owe each year they own and live in their home. This <br />federal income tax reduction increases a household overall income and ability to qualify for a <br />higher first mortgage loan with no effect on monthly expenses. From July 1, 2011 through June <br />30, 2012, seven (7) San Leandran homebuyers received MCC assistance to purchase a home. <br />♦ First -Time Homebuyer Program (FTHB) <br />During this past fiscal year, the City was unable to provide FTHB loans to income - eligible first - <br />time homebuyers due to the pending and eventual State elimination of the City's Redevelopment <br />Agency. The City's FHTB down payment/closing cost assistance program was historically <br />funded solely with Redevelopment Housing Set -Aside Funds. In FY 2011 -2012, BAHBA <br />conducted two (2) City- sponsored and free first -time homebuyer education seminars. <br />♦ Inclusionary Housing Program <br />Two (2) moderate - income below market rate ownership units were built and sold in the Cherry Glen <br />subdivision this fiscal year. (Note that one low- income unit was sold in FY 2010 -2011, but was <br />accidentally omitted in last year's CAPER.) <br />There were no new below market rate ownership units privately developed or built under the City's <br />Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance in FY 2011 -2012 due primarily to the ongoing slowdown in the for - <br />sale housing market. <br />Obiective: Create Suitable Living Environment <br />Priority # 4. Reduce housing discrimination. <br />Activities: <br />♦ Eden Council for Hope and Opportunity Housing (ECHO Housing) <br />The City continued to contract with ECHO Housing, a regional non - profit fair housing agency, <br />to provide fair housing services using CDBG funds. ECHO Housing received fourteen (14) fair <br />housing inquiries. Through various methods ECHO Housing educates people about fair housing <br />laws, rights, and responsibilities. <br />• ECHO Housing provided information, counseling, and /or investigation in fourteen (14) <br />fair housing inquiries or allegations of housing discrimination involving twenty -three <br />(23) clients. Of this number ECHO Housing provided counseling and investigative <br />services in thirteen (13) cases involving twenty -two (22) clients. With some cases <br />reporting more than one type of discrimination, the allegations accounted for the <br />following: three (3) cases involved reasonable accommodation, one (1) involved source <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Perfonnance and Evaluation Report: FY 2011 -2012 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 7 <br />