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Alameda CTC Agreement No.Al2-0032 <br /> 3. Alameda CTC will maintain participation of the following San Leandro schools that are <br /> currently in the Alameda CTC-SR2S: <br /> a. Garfield Elementary <br /> a. Roosevelt Elementary <br /> b. Washington Elementary <br /> c. Wilson Elementary <br /> d. McKinley Elementary <br /> e. Dayton Elementary <br /> f. Washington Manor Middle School <br /> 4. Alameda CTC will contract with all consultants that are required to implement the <br /> above-referenced expansion of Alameda CTC-SR2S for the 2012-13 school year; and, <br /> 5. Alameda CTC will amend the Detailed Scope of Services attached to and incorporated <br /> within Alameda CTC Professional Services Agreement No.A11-0019 between Alameda CTC and Alta <br /> Planning and Design to require the Alameda CTC-SR2S consultant team to complete the following <br /> additional subtasks for the benefit of all San Leandro K-8 public schools for the 2012-13 school year: <br /> Task 1.1: Project Initiation Activities will include attendance at a Kick-off Meeting and <br /> development of project protocols for communication, coordination, scheduling, and <br /> evaluation. <br /> Task 1.2: Ongoing Oversight and Administration will include coordination and <br /> integration of the Alameda County SR2S services with the programming provided by <br /> COSL and its consultant, including regular conference calls and/or meetings with COSL <br /> and respective school districts. Further,the consultant team shall designate a staff site <br /> coordinator to coordinate schedules and provide a main point of contact for the <br /> program. <br /> Task 1.3: Evaluation and Reporting will include integrating the additional San Leandro <br /> schools into the evaluation process for the overall program <br /> Task 2:Communication and Outreach will incorporate COSL's SRTS activities into the <br /> overall outreach and communication strategy. <br /> Task 3: Safe Routes to Schools K-8 Program will be expanded to include all of the <br /> Alameda CTC-SR2S the additional schools. <br /> 6. Alameda CTC will amend the above-referenced Agreement No.A11-0019 to require the <br /> consultant to retain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to <br /> cost of the expanded COSL program. <br /> 3 of 5 <br />