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Subtask 6.2 Develop Options to Increase Time to Overflow <br /> For each lift station, RMC will assess the potential for increasing the amount of time the station may be out <br /> of service before a surface overflow occurs. At a minimum,this will include the following: <br /> • Evaluate the impact of modifying pump station controls to maximize available storage <br /> • Evaluate the feasibility of installing overflow pipelines from the station wet well to adjacent sewers, <br /> or through passive diversions in the collection system upstream of the pump station <br /> • Evaluate the potential for wet well expansion or the addition of on-site emergency storage <br /> • Assess potential for the addition of permanent standby power or emergency pump connections, <br /> where not already present <br /> Based on the above evaluations, RMC will recommend options for increasing time to overflow at each lift <br /> station, including conceptual level estimates of the cost of the options. <br /> Task 6 Deliverables: <br /> • TM on Lift Station Reliability Evaluation including time each station may be off line without an <br /> overflow, potential options for increasing time to overflow, and conceptual estimates of costs of the <br /> options. <br /> Task 6 Schedule: <br /> • All items delivered by September 30, 2013 <br /> Task 7–Review of Sewer Maintenance, Inspection,and Rehabilitation Programs <br /> This task involves working with the City to evaluate its current sewer system operation &maintenance <br /> (O&M), inspection, condition assessment and rehabilitation programs, and helping the City develop <br /> business processes to effectively and efficiently manage its collection system. <br /> Subtask 7.1 Conduct Staff Interviews and Prepare O&M Assessment <br /> RMC will conduct interviews with City staff responsible for various aspects of collection system <br /> maintenance and management. The interviews would be scheduled to take place over a two-day period <br /> and include personnel involved in all aspects of sewer system management, including O&M staff and <br /> others responsible for data management, FOG control, review of inspection data, and rehabilitation <br /> decision-making. Based on these interviews, RMC will prepare an assessment report(TM)summarizing <br /> the findings of the assessment and identifying areas for potential improvement. <br /> Subtask 7.2 Prepare Workload Estimate and Staffing Plan <br /> Based on data collected during the two-day site visit and follow-up data requests, RMC will prepare a <br /> workload estimate and staffing plan to support prioritization of maintenance activities and identification in <br /> changes to staffing and equipment required to meet the overall goals for maintaining the sewer system. <br /> Subtask 7.3 Develop Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Decision Process <br /> RMC will review the current approach utilized by the City to assess sewer condition and determine <br /> rehabilitation needs. RMC will work with City staff to develop a well-documented and objective decision <br /> process to identify the specific defects requiring corrective action, along with specific maintenance, repair, <br /> rehabilitation,or replacement methods to employ to address defects identified through CCTV inspection. <br /> The decision process will be focused on correcting severe structural defects and areas of excessive <br /> maintenance demand. <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between <br /> City of San Leandro and RMC Water and Environment—Exhibit A Page 7 of 9 <br />