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Task 7 Deliverables: <br /> • TM on Sewer Maintenance, Inspection, and Rehabilitation Program Review, including workload <br /> and staffing needs estimate <br /> • TM on condition assessment and rehabilitation decision process <br /> Task 7 Assumptions: <br /> • City will ensure staff availability for the 2-day interview sessions for the O&M assessment. <br /> Task 7 Schedule: <br /> • All items delivered by July 1, 2013 <br /> Task 8–Project Prioritization <br /> In conjunction with City staff, RMC will prioritize the recommended sewer improvement projects. <br /> Prioritization criteria will include the severity of existing capacity deficiencies(as indicated by the extent of <br /> surcharge or potential overflows predicted by the model),the relative impact of the predicted surcharge or <br /> potential overflows(on public health and safety, water quality, business and community facilities, etc.), the <br /> timing of proposed development/redevelopment, maintenance history and/or sewer condition information, <br /> and coordination with other City projects(e.g., road improvements). Based on the criteria above, the <br /> recommended projects will be assigned to priority groups based on their relative priority. <br /> Task 8 Deliverables: <br /> • List of prioritized projects (to be incorporated into Master Plan report) <br /> Task 8 Schedule: <br /> • Prioritized project list shall be submitted by November 1, 2013 <br /> Task 9 Master Plan Preparation <br /> This task involves compiling the work conducted as part of the earlier tasks into a comprehensive Sewer <br /> System Master Plan report for use by the City. <br /> • Draft Master Plan. RMC will incorporate the findings and recommendations of the project into a <br /> comprehensive Master Plan report. This report will document the methodology and assumptions <br /> used to develop the hydraulic model, the recommended performance and design criteria, model <br /> results, recommended improvements and sewer system CIP, and results and recommendations of <br /> the sewer maintenance assessment. The report appendices will contain supporting data including <br /> flow monitoring data plots, model data and results tables, and other pertinent information. The <br /> report will include an Executive Summary section that can be extracted as a stand-alone document <br /> and provided to City management and Council members or other interested parties. <br /> • Final Sewer Master Plan. RMC will prepare a final Sewer Master Plan report, incorporating the <br /> City's comments on the Draft Master Plan. The final plan will serve as a basis for future master <br /> plan updates. <br /> Task 9 Deliverables: <br /> • Draft Sewer Master Plan <br /> Consulting Services Agreement between <br /> City of San Leandro and RMC Water and Environment—Exhibit A Page 8 of 9 <br />