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roads, highways, bridges, and other portions of the transportation system), except that specific <br />infrastructure for a given category of users may be excluded if an exception is approved via the <br />process set forth in section C.1 of this policy. <br /> <br />B. Implementation <br /> <br />1. Design. The City of San Leandro will generally follow its own accepted or adopted design <br />standards, including the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and Design Guidelines, and will also <br />evaluate using the latest design standards and innovative design options, with a goal of balancing <br />user needs. <br /> <br />2. Network/Connectivity. The City of San Leandro will incorporate Complete Streets <br />infrastructure into existing streets to improve the safety and convenience of all users, with the <br />particular goal of creating a connected network of facilities accommodating each category of <br />users, and increasing connectivity across jurisdictional boundaries and for anticipated future <br />transportation investments. <br /> <br />3. Implementation Next Steps. The City of San Leandro will take the following specific next <br />steps to implement this Complete Streets Policy: <br /> <br />A. Plan Consultation and Consistency: Maintenance, planning, and design of projects <br />affecting the transportation system will be consistent with local bicycle, pedestrian, <br />transit, multimodal, and other relevant plans. <br />B. Stakeholder Consultation: Develop and/or clearly define a process to allow for <br />stakeholder involvement on projects and plans including, but not limited to, the City’s <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees (BPACs) and/or other advisory groups, <br />as defined necessary to support implementation of this Complete Streets policy by the <br />City of San Leandro. <br /> <br />4. Performance Measures. All relevant agencies or departments will perform evaluations of <br />how well the streets and transportation network of San Leandro are serving each category of <br />users by collecting baseline data and collecting follow-up data on a regular basis. <br /> <br />C. Exceptions <br /> <br />1. Exception Approvals. A process will be developed for approving exceptions, including who <br />is allowed to sign off on exceptions. Written findings for exceptions must be included in a <br />memorandum, signed off the Engineering and Transportation Director, or senior-level designee, <br />and made publicly available. Exceptions must explain why accommodations for all users and <br />modes were not included in the plan or project. <br /> <br />