Exhibit A
<br />
<br />
<br />This Complete Streets Policy was adopted by Resolution No. _________ by the City Council of
<br />the City of San Leandro on _______________, 2013.
<br />
<br />
<br />VISION
<br />
<br />This Complete Streets Policy incorporates the simple and basic concept that streets should be
<br />designed and operated to be safe and accessible for all transportation users whether they are
<br />pedestrians, bicyclist, transit riders or vehicular motorist regardless of age or ability
<br />
<br />A. Complete Streets Principles
<br />
<br />1. Complete Streets Serving All Users and Modes. The City of San Leandro expresses its
<br />commitment to creating and maintaining Complete Streets that provide safe, comfortable, and
<br />convenient travel along and across streets (including streets, roads, highways, bridges, and other
<br />portions of the transportation system) through a comprehensive, integrated transportation
<br />network that serves all categories of users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with
<br />disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, users and operators of public transportation,
<br />emergency responders, seniors, children, youth, and families.
<br />
<br />2. Context Sensitivity. In planning and implementing street projects, departments and agencies
<br />of the City of San Leandro will maintain sensitivity to local conditions in both residential and
<br />business districts as well as urban, suburban, and rural areas, and will work with residents,
<br />merchants, and other stakeholders to ensure that a strong sense of place ensues. Improvements
<br />that will be considered include sidewalks, shared use paths, bicycle lanes, bicycle routes, paved
<br />shoulders, street trees and landscaping, planting strips, accessible curb ramps, crosswalks, refuge
<br />islands, pedestrian signals, signs, street furniture, bicycle parking facilities, public transportation
<br />stops and facilities, transit priority signalization, and other features assisting in the provision of
<br />safe travel for all users and those features identified in the City’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master
<br />Plan.
<br />
<br />3. Complete Streets Routinely Addressed by All Departments. All relevant departments and
<br />agencies of the City of San Leandro will work towards making Complete Streets practices a
<br />routine part of everyday operations, approach every relevant project, program, and practice as an
<br />opportunity to improve streets and the transportation network for all categories of users, and
<br />work in coordination with other departments, agencies, and jurisdictions to maximize
<br />opportunities for Complete Streets, connectivity, and cooperation.
<br />
<br />4. All Projects and Phases. Complete Streets infrastructure sufficient to enable reasonably safe
<br />travel along and across the right of way for each category of users will be incorporated into all
<br />planning, funding, design, approval, and implementation processes for any construction,
<br />reconstruction, retrofit, maintenance, operations, alteration, or repair of streets (including streets,