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File Number: 13-138 <br />call for review. However, applicants may modify plans to respond to issues raised, and such <br />modification shall be considered at the hearing. <br />At the hearing, the appellate body shall review the record of the decision and hear testimony <br />of the appellant, the applicant, and any other interested party. <br />After the hearing, the appellate body shall affirm , modify, or reverse the original decision. <br />When a decision is modified or reversed, the appellate body shall state the specific reasons <br />for modification or reversal. Decisions on appeals shall be rendered within 21 days of the <br />close of the hearing. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />The proposed use conforms to the General Plan, which designates the property for General <br />Industrial uses which are characterized by distribution facilities, research and development, <br />and manufacturing operations which produce minimal off -site impacts. The following General <br />Plan policies are applicable to the proposed project: <br />7.01 Industrial Assets - Build on the strengths of the City’s existing industrial base , <br />transportation infrastructure, and proximity to Oakland International Airport in the City’s <br />business development efforts . <br />7.02 Economic Diversity - Promote economic diversity and the growth of new and <br />emerging industries. Target businesses that will provide higher -paying jobs for San <br />Leandro residents. <br />7.03 Sustainable Manufacturing - Promote environmentally sustainable <br />manufacturing practices by San Leandro businesses and focus business attraction <br />efforts on clean, environmentally-friendly businesses. <br />7.06 Adaptive Reuse - Encourage private reinvestment in vacant or underutilized <br />industrial and commercial real estate to adapt such property to changing economic <br />needs, including the creation of flex/office space. <br />10.02 Off-Site Impacts - Consider the setting and context of each site when evaluating <br />proposals for development in industrial areas. The potential for impacts on adjacent <br />uses, including the potential for land use conflicts and increased parking demand and <br />truck traffic, should be a key consideration. <br />In addition to conforming to the General Plan, the proposal also satisfies a goal under the San <br />Leandro Climate Action Plan. <br />Section 3.3 Goal: Increase residential, commercial and industrial renewable energy <br />use. “On-site renewable energy systems offer another important lever for reducing <br />emissions…To encourage on -site renewable energy, one common strategy employed <br />by other local governments is to offer expedited permitting procedures for renewable <br />generation and green buildings.” <br />There are a number of significant public benefits that would result from the proposed project. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/26/2013