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k. To incur debts, liabilities or obligations, subject to limitations herein set forth(As <br /> provided in paragraph 1 of this Agreement, and pursuant to Government Code section <br /> 6508.1, no debt, liability, or obligation of the Energy Council shall constitute a debt, <br /> liability or obligation of any Agency); <br /> 1. To adopt annually a budget setting forth all administrative, operational, and capital <br /> expenses for the Energy Council; <br /> m. To coordinate programs of mutual interest and provide administrative assistance with <br /> other organizations involved in related programs; and <br /> n. To exercise all other powers necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of this <br /> Agreement,provided, however that the Energy Council shall not have the power to: <br /> (1) Impose taxes or fees on residents, businesses,property owners or any other <br /> entity,public or private; <br /> (2) Require contributions or other payments from any Agency except pursuant to <br /> a separate agreement between the Agency and the Energy Council; or <br /> (3) Operate as a community choice aggregator as that term is defined in Public <br /> Utilities Code section 331.1. <br /> 5. ORGANIZATION <br /> The Energy Council shall be governed by the Board,which shall exercise all powers and <br /> authority on behalf of the Energy Council. The Board is empowered to establish its own <br /> P r ocedu r es. The B oa rd may do any and all thing s necessary to carry out the purposes of <br /> this Agreement. As a condition of exercising the powers set forth in section 4, above,the <br /> Energy Council shall ensure the existence of liability insurance and errors and omissions <br /> insurance for actions of staff and Board members and shall enter an agreement for <br /> organizational and administrative support with an existing public agency which <br /> agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless the Energy Council for liability arising out <br /> of said support. <br /> a. Members of the Board. The Board shall consist of one member of the governing <br /> body of each of the Agencies. The member from each Agency shall be the member <br /> that the Agency has appointed as its member to the board of the Alameda County <br /> Waste Management Authority. Each Agency shall have an alternate member and that <br /> member shall be the alternate member that the Agency has appointed to the Board of <br /> the Alameda County Waste Management Authority. Each member and alternate shall <br /> serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the appointing agency. Any change in <br /> 4 <br />