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appointment of a member or alternate to the board of the Alameda County Waste <br /> Management Authority shall also be a change with respect to the Board of the <br /> Council. If an Agency is not a member of the Alameda County Waste Management <br /> Authority,the governing body of the Agency shall by resolution appoint one of its <br /> members to serve as a member and one of its members to serve as an alternate <br /> member of the Board after his or her appointment until a successor is selected. Each <br /> member and alternate shall serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the <br /> appointing agency. Any change in appointment of a member or alternate shall be by <br /> resolution of the governing body of the appointing agency. <br /> b. Vote. Each member shall have one vote except that the member selected by the City <br /> of Oakland shall have three votes and the members selected by the County of <br /> Alameda and the Cities of Fremont and Hayward shall have two votes. <br /> c. Vote Required. A simple majority of the Board members present shall be required <br /> for all actions. <br /> d. Meetings of the Board. <br /> (1) Regular Meetings. The Board shall hold at least one regular meeting each year. <br /> The date,hour, and place at which each such regular meeting shall be held shall <br /> be fixed by resolution of the Board. <br /> (2) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called in accordance <br /> with provisions of law. <br /> (3) Notice of Meetings. All meetings of the Board shall be held subject to the <br /> provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code section 54950 et seq., <br /> and other applicable laws of the State of California requiring notice of meetings <br /> of public bodies to be given. <br /> (4) Minutes. The Board shall cause minutes of all meetings to be kept and shall, as <br /> soon as possible after each meeting, cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded <br /> to each member of the Board and to each Agency. <br /> (5) Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for <br /> the transaction of business, except that less than a quorum may adjourn from time <br /> to time. <br /> e. Rules of Procedure. The Board shall adopt by resolution from time to time such <br /> rules of procedure for the conduct of its affairs as may be required. <br /> 5 <br />