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File Number: 13-142 <br />consultant team includes The Planning Center | DC&E (lead environmental consultant); <br />Kittelson and Associates , Inc. (traffic analysis ); TranSystem Corporation (hydrology/water <br />quality and utilities/service systems); Environmental Collaborative (biological resources); Alan <br />Kropp and Associates (geology and soils); and Tom Origer and Associates (cultural <br />resources). <br />A tentative outline of the tasks and milestones for the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) <br />follows: <br />Shoreline EIR Tasks and Developer Milestones <br />Project Initiation, Scoping Sessions with Public and Agencies June - July 2013 <br />Transportation Impact Study June-November 2013 <br />Draft EIR available for 45-day Public Review Period January 2014 <br />Planning Commission Worksession on Draft EIR January 2014 <br />City Council Worksession on Draft EIR February 2014 <br />Responses to Comments and Final EIR March - April 2014 <br />Planning Commission Hearing on EIR and Entitlements April 2014 <br />City Council Certification of Final EIR / Approval of Entitlements May 2014 <br />Due to the complexity of this project, the above timeline should be considered as an estimate, <br />only. <br />Previous Actions <br /> <br />·At the October 15, 2007 City Council meeting, the City Council approved the RFQ for a <br />Master Developer for the Shoreline-Marina Area. <br />·On October 20, 2008 the City Council adopted a resolution approving the original <br />Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement (ENRA) with Cal-Coast for development of the <br />Shoreline-Marina area. <br />·On October 4, 2010 the City Council approved a Consultant Services Agreement with ESA <br />for preparation of a Harbor Basin Alternatives Study . <br />·On April 2, 2012, the City Council approved an extension of the ENRA with Cal -Coast <br />Companies LLC. <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·General Plan Goal 9 for the Marina and Shoreline calls for recognizing and taking <br />advantage of the unique business amenities offered by the San Leandro Marina area . The <br />policies and actions include pursuing development of a new hotel along with <br />complementary uses such as restaurants and ancillary retail, office and conference <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/14/2013