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Reso 2013-102
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2013-102
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6/18/2014 8:53:45 AM
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8/8/2013 2:13:57 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3A Public Hearing 2013 0715
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2013\Packet 2013 0715
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Section 2 <br />Downtown San Leandro Community Benefit District Boundaries <br />Boundaries: The following text will define the boundaries of the Downtown San Leandro CBD. <br />General Description of the Proposed Boundaries: Parcels in the commercial corridors of the <br />Downtown San Leandro CBD will include as follows: <br />■ Northern Boundary: Starting at the northeast corner of the district, the northern <br />boundary begins with parcel 77- 551 -001 at the intersection of Santa Rosa Street and <br />Callahan Street and runs west to Hyde Street. At Hyde Street the boundary runs along <br />the west side of Hyde Street to the San Leandro Creek. The boundary then runs west to <br />include parcel 75- 162 -004 at Hays and E. 14th and continues westward along the Creek <br />up to parcels 75 -36 -061 and parcel 75- 36 -10 -7 on the northwest and northeast corners <br />of the intersection of San Leandro Blvd. and Davis Street. (As of the Council Resolution <br />of Formation adopted on July 15th, 2013, the residential condos at 1332, 1567 -1593 <br />Carpentier Street and 400 Davis Street have been removed from the boundaries of the <br />Downtown CBD). <br />■ Southern Boundary: Starting at the corner of Parrott and Alvarado Streets, at parcel 75- <br />47 -002 running eastward along the north side of Parrott Street to include the parcels at <br />the southeast corner of Parrott and San Leandro Blvd. The southern boundary then <br />continues at the northwestern corner parcel of the intersection of Thorton Street and <br />Washington Avenue (parcel 75- 60 -6 -1) including the parcel at the northeastern corner <br />of the same intersection. The southern boundary then continues along the southern <br />side of parcel 77- 550 -1 -3 and parcel 77- 530 -25 -1 at the southwestern and southeastern <br />corners of the intersection of Williams Street, Elsie Avenue and E. 14th Street. <br />■ Eastern Boundary_ Starting at the parcel at the southeastern corner of Elsie and E. 14tH <br />running north along the eastern side of the parcels in general, fronting along E. 14th <br />Street, and excluding single family residential parcels on the east side of E. 14th Street. <br />(please see map for exact boundaries), up to parcel 77- 551 -01 at the intersection of <br />Santa Rosa and Callan Avenue. <br />■ Western Boundary: Starting at the northeastern corner of the intersection of Parrot <br />Street and Alvarado, parcel 75 -47 -002 running northward along the east side of <br />Alvarado Street up to the parcel at the southeastern corner of Davis Street and <br />Alvarado, parcel 75- 50 -3 -1. <br />I <br />
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