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File Number: 13-452 <br />Innisfree and based on input from the community created the Village Marketplace project which <br />included the following features: <br />·Quality retailers and a specialty grocery store (Fresh & Easy, Peet’s Coffee & Tea, Chipotle <br />and AT&T) <br />·Outdoor dining opportunities and a generous plaza for people to gather <br />·Retail activity along East 14th Street with parking behind the buildings <br />·Superior architecture, building materials, landscaping and a public art component <br />·Off-site improvements including pedestrian friendly streetscape and angled public parking. <br />The development of Village Marketplace was negatively impacted in June 2011 when the State <br />froze redevelopment agency activities thereby making it impossible for the Redevelopment Agency <br />to sell the parcel as planned. Progress on the plans, however, continued with numerous public <br />workshops. Then, on December 29, 2011 the State Supreme Court upheld AB x 1 26 which <br />eliminated redevelopment agencies as of February 1, 2012. <br />In April 2012, the entitlements for Village Marketplace were approved by the Planning Commission <br />and in May 2012, Council approved the plans. Concurrently, the City Council, serving as <br />Successor Agency to the City of San Leandro Redevelopment Agency , entered into a Disposition <br />and Development Agreement (DDA) with Innisfree for the sale of the Site for $2.25 million, based <br />on an income approach to valuation. The DDA was subsequently approved by the Successor <br />Agency Oversight Board and the State Department of Finance. <br />Additional terms of the DDA included the following provisions : <br />·Innisfree agrees to pay the Successor Agency an additional $250,000 if a full-service <br />restaurant is not opened on the Site. <br />·Innisfree to include, at developer’s expense, a public art component, new public sidewalks, <br />street trees and bike racks. <br />·Innisfree, its contractors and agents shall comply with prevailing wage laws. <br />·Innisfree shall maintain the Village Marketplace and surrounding public improvements at its <br />own expense including the landscaping and common areas. <br />In December 2012, Fresh & Easy, the Village Marketplace’s anchor tenant , exited the US market <br />and terminated its lease. The development was again placed on hold and time was provided for <br />the developer to identify a replacement anchor tenant. Innisfree has identified CVS as the <br />replacement anchor and made modifications to the site to accommodate this tenant. The tenant <br />Chipotle was replaced with The Habit Burger and both Peet’s and The Habit Burger prefer CVS as <br />an anchor and remain committed to the revised development plan. <br />Staff has been working with CVS and Innisfree to ensure that the revised plans continue to <br />represent the highest quality of standards in all areas. The revised plans will be presented to the <br />City Council at the work session. Elements of the plan include: <br />·Three separate retail buildings. Two along E. 14th Street - One for Peet’s, The Habit <br />Burger and a 1,200 square foot available space, and a second at the corner of E. 14th <br />Street and Dolores to be leased to AT&T. Plus, a standalone building for CVS along Juana. <br />·A generous and attractive plaza offering outdoor dining for The Habit Burger , a fountain, <br />two art display panels of Raymond Lowey’s tiles, granite seat benches, decorative lighting <br />with hanging baskets, art bike racks, and decorative paving. <br />·An additional outdoor area for Peet’s customers including a seat wall and bicycle racks . <br />·New sidewalks, curbs and gutters and additional street trees with decorative grates along <br />E. 14th and Juana. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 9/4/2013