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File Number: 13-502 <br />funded by a fund designation set up in 2010-11. <br />§Overall departmental savings totals $1.3 million. <br />General Fund Year-End Summary <br />The 2012-13 year-end forecast for the General Fund has improved over the Adopted Budget , <br />largely due to an increase in projected revenues. Revised projections for 2012-13 reflect an <br />operating increase in fund balance of $3.2 million and a decrease in the RDA - Plaza Project <br />Loan designation of $2.1 million due to the dissolution of the Redevelopment Agency and the <br />rejection of the loan repayment from the Department of Finance. Overall, staff projects a net <br />fund balance in the General Fund of about $15.1 million, an improvement of $293,000 over <br />Adopted Budget projections. Please refer to Table 3 on the attached document. <br />All Other Funds <br />In addition to the City’s General Fund , City operations are supported by a number of other <br />funds. Projected savings and budget modifications are all reflected in the estimated ending <br />fund balances. Please refer to Table 4 in the attached document. <br />§The Parking Fund decreased $51,000 due to the construction of the Parking Garage which <br />opened in November 2012. Staff continues to monitor revenues and expenditures in the <br />Parking Fund. <br />§The Gas Tax - Operations Fund decreased $489,000 due to the reduction of Gas Tax <br />revenues and increasing construction costs. <br />§The Self Insurance Fund decreased $732,000 due to the ICFG settlement payment of <br />$2.3 million. <br />CONCLUSION <br />This report provides an update on the 2012-13 budget performance and unaudited results for <br />the General Fund and the City’s other operating funds . Better than expected sales tax, <br />property tax and other revenue were the primary drivers in producing a positive budget <br />balance. <br />Staff will present recommendations for designating portions of fund balance with the first <br />quarter report, expected next month. <br />PREPARED BY: David Baum, Finance Director, Finance <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 10/15/2013