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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 3, 1995 Page - 11 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said the Application did not meet two of the <br /> three requirements. He said there is undue hardship to the people in <br /> back because they can't build up to capacity. The Variance would <br /> impose a hardship on them and affect the value of their home and would <br /> grant special privileges inconsistent with the Zoning Code. <br /> Council Member Kerr asked if the Council could hear from the architect. <br /> Mayor Corbett explained that the hearing was closed at the last <br /> meeting. The City Attorney said the City Council could ask specific <br /> questions of the architect but could not reopen the hearing without <br /> notification to the public. <br /> In response to questions, Raymond Fong, Architect, described the design <br /> of the addition and said the roof pitch could be modified to decrease <br /> shadows. Mr. Fong said he was hired to prepare the plans after the <br /> addition was constructed, for the public hearing. He said the roof <br /> could be lowered. <br /> Council Member Galvan asked Mrs. Shih if any of her neighbors had asked <br /> her if she had permits; she said they had not. <br /> The City Attorney said, if the City Council supported the three <br /> findings, he recommended that staff be directed to provide written <br /> Conditions to apply to the property. He said all three findings must <br /> be met to approve a Variance; he read the findings. <br /> Council Member Kerr said he did not interpret the Zoning Code to state <br /> that all three findings must be made; the City Attorney said the <br /> conjunctive word "and" means that all three are required in conjunction <br /> with each other. Council Member Kerr asked if demolition of the <br /> addition would be an undue hardship. <br /> Mr. Meyers said the City Council should not consider the existence of <br /> the building as a hardship because then anyone can build an illegal <br /> building and be entitled to a Variance. The Code intends that a strict <br /> application creates a hardship related to the property and other <br /> structures on the property, not to an illegal building. <br /> Council Member Galvan asked if the fact that a handicapped person <br /> needed access to the addition, therefore the property owner could not <br /> build up, would be an undue hardship. Mr. Meyers said the findings <br /> relate to the property itself, not the residents. <br /> In response to questions, Mr. Meyers said the City Council could look <br /> at the 90' -depth of the property as it relates to other Variances which <br /> have been granted and determine if similar circumstances apply to this <br /> situation. He said the Americans With Disabilities Act does not apply. <br />