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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 3, 1995 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Loeffler said the Council ' s role is to blend common <br /> sense and the law. He said he saw special circumstances and believed <br /> Conditions could be imposed to bring the property into alignment with <br /> Codes. He said he did not see significant detriment to the neighbors <br /> to the side, and the concerns of the neighbor to the rear could be met <br /> through modifications to the building. He said granting this Appeal <br /> would be consistent with Variances which have previously been granted. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said this would still constitute a special <br /> privilege and open variances to every property in the area. <br /> Council Member Galvan said the Council 's role is to decide these <br /> difficult issues. He referred to another difficult issue, a mural , <br /> which had come before the City Council after denial by the Planning <br /> Commission. He said this Variance has extenuating circumstances, and <br /> part of the Council ' s role is to be human and make decisions that may <br /> not follow the letter of the law. <br /> Mayor Corbett said this is not an easy decision to make. She said the <br /> City Council is obviously very human, and they are all trying to deal <br /> with Mrs. Shih's personal issues and with the Zoning Code. She said <br /> the Zoning Code is a tool that allows the Council to balance the <br /> community' s needs. She said it was not Mrs. Shih's intent to do wrong <br /> or hurt anyone. The City Council does not mean her any ill -will . <br /> Mayor Corbett said, in reading all the information made available, she <br /> did not see that findings are available to meet the three criteria. <br /> Council Member Galvan said a half dozen Variances were granted in the <br /> neighborhood, and the only difference in this case is that the person <br /> didn't understand the problem. If she had come to the Council first, <br /> they would have granted the Variance. <br /> Mayor Corbett said none of the other Variances had come to this City <br /> Council , and they were all approved by the Board of Zoning Adjustments <br /> only. <br /> Council Member Galvan moved to grant the Appeal and approve V-94-5. <br /> The City Attorney suggested that the motion include a requirement that <br /> reasonable Conditions be prepared by staff and returned to the City <br /> Council for approval at the next meeting, in accordance with the Zoning <br /> Code, including that the addition must comply with all Building Codes <br /> and that staff would review proposals to mitigate impacts . <br /> The motion was seconded by Council Member Loeffler. <br />