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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 7, 1995 Page - 14 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> Mayor Corbett noted the recent death of Pryor Conrad. She said he was <br /> a former homeowners' association president and a strong advocate for <br /> the Farrelly Pond area. She said he was a fine member of the community <br /> and said she will miss him very much. <br /> 11. ADJOURN <br /> The City Council adjourned its meeting at 11 :00 p.m. in Memory of Pryor <br /> Conrad. <br /> APPROVED: <br /> LL . CORBETT IOW <br /> Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br /> Attest: 42°(e %e, 44 <br /> Alice Calvert, City Clerk <br /> D:1MIN UTES119951080795 <br />