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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Rick Richards, 335 Peralta Avenue, Chair of the Services Subcommittee, <br /> said the Task Force was visionary. He said the Transfer Tax is needed. <br /> He said the current fee is below the average of $7. 11 of the seven <br /> charter cities, and the $6.00 rate would still be below average. He <br /> said this Tax can be financed under terms of sales contracts for $.50 <br /> to $1 .00 per month, and it will not make or break the sale of a home. <br /> He said he is looking to buy another home in San leandro and would not <br /> mind paying the Transfer Tax. He noted sales tax revenue may be taken <br /> away from cities by the State. He said with this Tax people know up <br /> front what they will be paying in property taxes when they buy a home. <br /> He said this Tax will not cause a loss of first-time home buyers. He <br /> said people move to Tracy and other areas because the cost of homes is <br /> lower, not because of this Tax. He said he hoped the City Council <br /> would approve the increase. <br /> Syd Sadeghi , said he has lived in San Leandro for 35 years. He said he <br /> was against the sports surcharge, but he is proud of San Leandro. He <br /> said it takes money to keep the City up. He said the Transfer Tax <br /> won't hurt people because when they sell a house they make money. He <br /> asked the City Council to approve the increase. <br /> Bob Glaze, 15211 Hardin Street, Former Vice Mayor, said he saw this <br /> before when the City had enacted the $2.00 fee. He said he supports <br /> the Real Property Transfer Tax increase. He said a number of other <br /> cities are increasing theirs as well . He said San Leandro has always . <br /> had the lowest tax base and that has hurt the City. He said $6.00 is <br /> a low amount compared to the rest of Alameda County. He commended the <br /> City Council in making sure there was no undue hardship to any one <br /> group. He noted that, although realtors oppose the tax, it does not <br /> keep people from moving to San Leandro, and it does not cause them to <br /> leave. He said ten years ago the City had an excellent quality of <br /> life. He said it may start to deteriorate if people are not willing to <br /> give extra to maintain it, and that is what the City Council is trying <br /> to do. <br /> Bill Swann, 2600 Fairmont Drive, said he was present as a Member of the <br /> Vision Task Force Revenue Subcommittee. He said he supported the <br /> Transfer Tax and, as an administrator in the Probation Department of • <br /> Alameda County, could point out the problems that are occurring in <br /> other agencies. He asked what service worth $1 .5 million people would <br /> be willing to give up if the Transfer Tax is not adopted. He said <br /> there was a lot of discussion on the Revenue Subcommittee, and this was <br /> determined to be the least painful way to continue to maintain the <br /> quality of life. <br /> Mayor Karp enumerated the services that would have to be cut, including <br /> recreation, library, and other services. <br /> Mr. Swann asked the City to vote in favor of the tax. He said cuts to <br /> services would be detrimental . <br />