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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> He said the City's rate is now the lowest in Alameda County for charter <br /> cities, and he displayed the rates for the seven charter cities. He <br /> said Alameda's existing tax is $4.40 per $1 ,000 of sales value, and <br /> they were considering increasing it to $6.40. He said Albany's is now <br /> $6.40, Berkeley's $15.00, Hayward's $4.50. He said Oakland's current <br /> fee is $12.50, and they plan on going to $15.00. Piedmont is at $6.50 <br /> and plans on going to $12.50. He said San Leandro's rate is now $2.00 <br /> and the proposal is to go to $6.00. He said $6.00 would still be below <br /> the average for charter cities. <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> Dave Fischer, President of the San Leandro Police Officers Association, <br /> said the State and County are taking away money. He said, if this <br /> continues, the Police Chief will be forced to go back to 1960's <br /> manpower in the Police Department. He said, right now, on a regular- <br /> shift basis, there is 1 police officer for every 10,000 residents. He <br /> said, based upon the 1960's there would be one officer for every 12,000 <br /> residents. He said the Police Department must take care of the <br /> citizens and must also consider the safety of the officers. He said <br /> this increase is needed in order to keep the quality of life and the <br /> safety of the citizens as they are now. <br /> The City Clerk noted letters had been received from John M. Bischoff, <br /> President, San Leandro Management Organization; Robert P. Maginnis, <br /> Chief of Police, San Leandro Police Department; and Brian M. McKenna, <br /> President of the San Leandro Fire Fighters' Association. <br /> Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, asked, if he supported this <br /> matter, would the City Council still vote in favor of it. He said <br /> other cities use a 25-5 formula. He proposed an amendment to the <br /> Ordinance that would allow the voters of the City the opportunity to <br /> vote on this Tax if it did not work in the next fiscal year by putting <br /> it on the 1994 ballot and requiring a two-thirds vote. <br /> Susan Riskind-Poulsen, 182 Sunnyside Drive, Member of the Revenue <br /> Subcommittee of the Vision Task Force and Head of the North Area <br /> Business Development Task Force, said it is clear the City has a budget <br /> crisis which is not being promoted simply by the City Council or City <br /> administration just to raise revenue. She said she would like the City <br /> Council to vote in favor of the Transfer Tax increase in the name of <br /> well -honored San Leandro traditions -- safely maintained streets, a <br /> responsive Fire Department, and good libraries and schools. She said <br /> those were the things which make San Leandro attractive to new <br /> residents and new businesses. She said this is what provides long-term <br /> health for the City. She said any tax inflicts pain, but this is a tax <br /> which will affect a small number of people as part of a larger process, <br /> instead of everyone in the City on a monthly basis. She said it is the <br /> least painful method. <br />