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Minutes 1993 0503
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Minutes 1993 0503
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 16 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Mayor Karp noted staff had gone to the Employees' Association, and the <br /> Association was working on not taking any pay increases next year. He <br /> said the Association has worked hard with the City, and they have <br /> already cut to the bare bones. <br /> Jean Coppick, Executive Director of the San Leandro Community <br /> Counseling Center, said there are many invisible services that <br /> contribute to the quality of life in San Leandro but are often <br /> targeted, such as human services. She said this year the Human <br /> Resources Commission is recommending the current level of support for <br /> human services agencies be continued. She said her Center sees over <br /> 600 people per year as well as 600 youths in schools and 157 youths in <br /> gang prevention and parent support groups. She said these are <br /> important services; and, if kids don't have the counseling or skills <br /> they need, they will drop out of school and end up on street corners <br /> causing problems. She said she supported the Tax. <br /> Mike Pretto, 775 Bridge Road, said he was a City Services Subcommittee <br /> Task Force Member and agreed with Council Member Glaze and Susan <br /> Riskind-Poulsen. He said he moved to San Leandro because of the <br /> services and the schools and because it is a great place to raise kids. <br /> He said reducing services would be very detrimental . He referred to a <br /> comment by a previous speaker as to whether the Task Force or <br /> Subcommittees were orchestrated by staff. He said he could guarantee <br /> that the Task Force Members were given everything they asked for, when <br /> they asked for it, and there was no direction in any way. <br /> Mayor Karp thanked Mr. Pretto for serving on the Task Force and the <br /> Planning Commission. <br /> Bob Lundstrom, 195 Broadmoor Boulevard, said he is a Member of the Fire <br /> Department but was speaking as a citizen. He said he supports the Tax <br /> and said the quality of life in San Leandro is important. He said his <br /> mom has lived in San Leandro for over 50 years; and, when he asked her <br /> about this Tax, she asked how much it would be. He said, when he told <br /> her 6/10ths of 1%, she said, if she sold her home, she could afford it. <br /> He said, when she asked what would happen if the Tax was not passed, <br /> and he told her services would be cut, she said this Tax should be <br /> supported. <br /> Kai Bender, 261 Begier Avenue, Member of the Task Force and the Seismic <br /> Retrofit Subcommittee, said the City Council has done an outstanding <br /> job of getting a cross section of the community on the Subcommittee. <br /> He said the lines of communication were open, phone lines were <br /> available for the public, and every avenue was taken to get input. He <br /> said this is the best way to raise revenue, and he said there are a lot <br /> of things that need to be improved. He said it's easy to say, "Let's <br /> cut" ; but people don't want items of interest to them cut. He said it <br /> is easier to educate a couple of hundred people than the whole City. <br /> He said, if this matter went to a vote of the people, it would be <br /> difficult to educate them. <br />
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