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Minutes 1993 0503
City Clerk
City Council
Minutes 1993 0503
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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 3, 1993 Page - 17 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> He said a cross section of the community was on the Subcommittee. He <br /> mentioned that, when the San Leandro High School pool was scheduled to <br /> be closed, he and a number of other people volunteered to fix it. He <br /> said there is too much complaining. He paraphrased a President and <br /> said people should not ask what their City can do for them but what <br /> they can do for their City. He said everyone will profit from this <br /> Tax, and the City Council should try to make sure the State provides <br /> funding for any mandates. <br /> Mayor Karp thanked Mr. Bender. He noted on May 8 there would be a <br /> volunteer painting program at San Leandro High School and at the <br /> elementary and middle schools. He invited people to participate. <br /> Dale Reed, 1560 Daily Court, Chairperson of the Task Force, said he <br /> agreed the City Council provided a very good cross section of the City <br /> on the Task Force. He said he was proud of every member of the Task <br /> Force, and they were willing to make tough decisions. He said they <br /> looked at revenue, the cost of services, and disaster preparedness. He <br /> said none of the problems were easy to solve. He said the report <br /> presented to the Council , which included the Transfer Tax, was a fine <br /> report; and it truly was a visionary committee. He said he hoped the <br /> City Council would vote in favor of the Tax. <br /> Jeff McGallian, 13985 Tahiti Road, said he was on the Task Force. He <br /> said the City Council asked a cross section of people to come up with <br /> these decisions. He said he feels the Tax will help continue taking <br /> care of the Police and Fire Departments and all services. He said <br /> people don't know where to cut. He said San Leandro is our home, and <br /> we need to take care of it. <br /> Al Rosenga, 534 Parrott Street, asked what the effective date of the <br /> Tax would be. Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said it would be effective <br /> tomorrow. Mr. Rosenga asked the City Council for a 45-day delay <br /> because there are people in the middle of escrow. Mr. Meyers said the <br /> administrative process for implementation would probably not take place <br /> immediately. <br /> John Jermanis, Finance Director, said implementation would probably not <br /> take place until the first of June because he would need to notify the <br /> County and the real estate community. <br /> Ralph Frey, said he was not a member of the Task Force. He said he <br /> moved to San Leandro from Hayward because he and his wife did not want <br /> to raise their children in Hayward. They chose San Leandro because of <br /> the quality of life. He said, if the quality of life deteriorates, <br /> realtors will have nothing here to sell . He said emphasis has been <br /> placed on whether this was the average cost. He said there is not a <br /> person in this City who would like to see the quality of life be the <br />
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