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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 14, 1993 Page 2 <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> to reduce the City's costs, such as bringing Oro Loma's sewage through <br /> the City's plant. He said this year's study saw the same decline in <br /> industrial users. He said staff met with industrial users to review <br /> the rates and to find alternative methods for user charges. He said <br /> the users did not have a problem with the rates but were unable to come <br /> to consensus on the method for the charges, so the same process will be <br /> used as in prior years. He said commercial and industrial users were <br /> made aware that this is a two-year study, and rates will not <br /> necessarily stay the same in 1994-95. <br /> Mr. Lawson said rates for the coming year will increase by 13.5% on <br /> average, depending on the use. He said no change is proposed to the <br /> sewer connection fee. He described proposed changes in fees for <br /> Environmental Compliance inspection and monitoring. <br /> Council Member Kerr said the report was received on the Thursday before <br /> the Cherry Festival , and there was not enough time to study it. He <br /> said he can understand why industrial uses are down but expressed <br /> concern that households pay the same amount, no matter what they use, <br /> and an increase is being proposed. He said the homeowner has to pay <br /> for what the industrial user is creating, and he feels the uses that <br /> cause the problem should be paying for it, not the householder. He <br /> noted there were several meetings with the Chamber of Commerce and the <br /> Manufacturers Association but none with homeowners. He said he would <br /> like to see this matter put off so the Council could have more time for <br /> input and a meeting could be held with the homeowners' associations. <br /> Bob Taylor said the study is normally completed about the 5th or 6th of <br /> May; but, in working with the commercial and industrial users, the time <br /> period was expanded, and it set Mr. Lawson back in creating the report, <br /> which was not complete until May 21st. He said the meeting with the <br /> Chamber, originally scheduled for May 18th, had to be rescheduled. He <br /> said there was not enough time to organize a meeting with the <br /> homeowners' associations. <br /> Mr. Lawson said the entire community bears the burden when a user <br /> lowers discharge or leaves. He said the Water Pollution Control Plant <br /> was sized to meet an entire community's needs; and, when someone <br /> leaves, the size of the facility cannot be reduced. He said the unit <br /> costs for service go up, and they are identical for all users, in <br /> accordance with State and Federal regulations. He said, when an <br /> industry leaves, everyone's costs go up. <br /> Council Member Kerr said the people who leave cause the problem. He <br /> said the homeowners are producing less sewage than they were before, <br /> which takes less electricity, chemicals, etc. , and the cost per <br /> household is probably less than it was before. <br />