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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - July 19, 1993 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Bill Silva said this was the first opportunity staff had had to meet <br /> Mr. Chang. He said many letters have been sent to Mr. Chang, but Mr. <br /> Oldrich responded to them. He said Mr. Chang approached him about this <br /> matter as he walked into the room. Mr. Silva said he feels the <br /> distribution of costs is fair. He said Redevelopment is still open for <br /> discussion, and there are a lot of opportunities to determine what will <br /> happen on Martinez Street. He said the frontage on Alvarado still <br /> provides value to the property. <br /> Mayor Faria asked if Mr. Silva would say this property had frontage <br /> onto Alvarado. Mr. Silva said he feels it should be fronting onto <br /> Alvarado. <br /> Cy Coburn, Lincoln Property Company, said two meetings ago the Chang <br /> representatives asked for a continuance in order for them to meet with <br /> City staff to go through the staff assignment of benefit for the <br /> improvements built on Alvarado. He said they did that and found there <br /> was a $9,000 adjustment. He said otherwise the City staff said there <br /> were no adjustments. He said Lincoln Property feels it is a fair <br /> assessment of value and benefit to Chang. <br /> There being no further comments from the public, on motion of Council <br /> Member Polvorosa, seconded by Council Member Myers, and carried <br /> unanimously, the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if there was some expectation all along <br /> that Chang would have to provide some type of reimbursement. Mr. Silva <br /> said this was correct. <br /> Mayor Faria said this has been known for at least four years. <br /> Mr. Silva said the total amount was not known until a certified <br /> statement of costs was received from Lincoln Property. He said once <br /> that had been provided it was reviewed and the determination was made <br /> as to which costs were eligible for reimbursement and which were not. <br /> He said those relating specifically to Lincoln Property were not, and <br /> the expectation for reimbursement by Chang was always there. <br />