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• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 14 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> James Driver, 16273 Galway Court, expressed concern that the project <br /> might inadvertently create constituencies against the possible MTC Bay <br /> Crossing study mandated by SCR20. He said the MTC report and the EIR <br /> are not sufficient disclosure to prospective buyers. <br /> Mayor Faria said the City is opposing that. <br /> Mr. Driver said regional transit has to seriously address high vehicle <br /> issues and the MTC study will impact Roberts Landing. If addressed now, <br /> Citation can make the adjustments and, if planned now, it won't disrupt, <br /> it will be an enhancement. <br /> Chuck Fugel , Plumbers Local 444, 2960 Merced Street, San Leandro, said <br /> Citation has a remarkable project to protect the wetlands, provide park <br /> space, and build good houses. He said his group is environmentalists. <br /> He said this is something the City needs. He said he is tired of seeing <br /> children forced out into outlying counties because they can't buy here. <br /> He said those that talk about the toxic problems walk their dogs out <br /> there and dig for bottles but they are still here, and he can't <br /> understand their logic other than they just don't want anything built. <br /> He said he has collected signatures in favor of Phases IA and 1B. <br /> Audrey Albers said by approving this development the Council is <br /> landlocking 760 families with one road in and out and they have to go <br /> out over a railroad track. She said emergency vehicle access cannot be <br /> used. She said 2,000 trips every day will go over and across the road, <br /> there are no facilities, and they have to cross the railroad track to <br /> get any place they need to go. <br /> Del Willburn, 830 Lynwood Way, San Leandro, said San Leandro needs to <br /> grow and to open new avenues. He said this project opens up the stock <br /> of the older housing market. He said some good homes need to be opened. <br /> to bring people here. He said he is the Director for the Plumbers <br /> Apprentice Program and the people that go through the program live and <br /> work in this area. He said this project will open up training and give <br /> employment for construction workers, jobs, business and everything in <br /> San Leandro and urged the Council to move forward. <br /> Tanya Schwink, 14014 Breed Avenue, said she was not opposed to building <br /> in San Leandro including Roberts Landing if there is proof that there <br /> are no toxics that could adversely affect the people that would be <br /> living there. She said she lives near a place where toxics have been <br /> found and she has been ill and doesn't know if that has to do with <br /> toxics or not. She said it couldn't be that expensive to do testing <br /> because if people do end up getting sick it could cost a lot more in <br /> liability. <br />