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• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> In response to Council questions, Steve Mattas said the Conditions of <br /> Approval , the special review criteria and the GDP require that the <br /> applicant submit a PEA and the information be included and incorporated <br /> in the PDP. There is a separate Condition of Approval for after DTSC <br /> has made their determination, and when the Regional Board completes <br /> their review, if they have additional conditions, those will <br /> automatically become mitigation measures of the project. He said the <br /> City is imposing an additional condition that all remediation required <br /> by all agencies is required prior to issuance of building permits. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked a number of questions related to <br /> groundwater flow and testing. <br /> Dr. Dilio said DTSC requested that documentation be provided by the <br /> applicant to show that the information was there to document the <br /> groundwater flow rather than the intuitive argument. <br /> Council Member Corbett asked what specific testing was done to show the <br /> groundwater flow. <br /> Dr. Dilio said information existed in other documents that had been <br /> previously submitted and DISC asked to show them where that information <br /> existed. <br /> Terry McManus, HLA, said the information was originally presented in the <br /> PEA and clarified in the materials submitted to DTSC in response to that <br /> question. He said it was based on water level measurements from the <br /> monitoring wells, the hydraulic radiant and groundwater flow based on <br /> the wells, as well as additional background data. <br /> The Council asked if there was documentation of testing to indicate <br /> groundwater flow. <br /> Mr. McManus said there was for areas 2, 3, and 4 and the information was <br /> included in the material submitted to Michelle Rembaugh at DTSC on <br /> September 13, 1993. <br /> Douglas Perry, Union Publications, urged the Council to approve the <br /> project on the basis of planning and economic terms and since the EIR <br /> has already been approved. He said the project represents several <br /> hundred construction jobs for union people in this County, as well as <br /> new housing at an affordable. place. He said the project follows <br /> reasonable land use guidelines and provides reasonable park space and <br /> open space and the developer has shown due diligence. He said the <br /> project would be good for San Leandro, is consistent with the suburban <br /> character, is positive on a regional basis, doesn't involve costly <br /> extensions of water, sewers and roads, and is a more intensive use of <br /> existing public services such as BART and freeways. <br />