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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 4, 1993 Page - 17 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Sandra Neilsen, owner of 2100 Lewelling Boulevard, asked if there will <br /> be a left hand turn lane into her property, and a gate for the emergency <br /> road for Oro Loma and PG&E. Staff said there would. Ms. Nielsen said <br /> this will be good tax revenue and generate a bigger tax base. She said <br /> she is in favor of the project if the developer follows through on his <br /> promises. <br /> Christine Scobee, 495 Fortuna Avenue, said only seven samples were <br /> taken, which means there were two samples from the same test pit, that <br /> showed variations from the same test pit at the same level . She said <br /> seven samples is not any kind of comprehensive study. She discussed the <br /> conclusion of Dr. Dilio which said there has been no release of <br /> hazardous chemicals onto area 1 and described a newspaper article <br /> regarding a nitrostarch blast in 1963 which blasted 100 feet and broke <br /> windows in Alameda. She said this implies there was debris that went <br /> from the site and was blasted to south of Lewelling. She said Dr. Dilio <br /> is a toxicologist with expertise in pesticide absorption to the skin and <br /> said she requested someone who is an explosive site remediation <br /> specialist do some testing. <br /> In response to Council questions, Terry McManus said nitrostarch doesn't <br /> leave soluble metals and there were no explosives other than <br /> nitrostarch. <br /> Richard Harris, business owner at 14481 Wicks Boulevard, said since 1966 <br /> the property has been an eyesore and Citations Homes is going to improve <br /> it and he would like the Council to vote it in. <br /> Janice Delfino, Castro Valley, spoke regarding the buffer and said it <br /> should provide a wildlife habitat buffer between State lands and the <br /> development and should slope toward the development. She asked if the <br /> swale would be considered a linear park, non-useable by the humans. <br /> Benson Lee said the area contains a trail which funnels the activities <br /> along the trail , and it does serve as a buffer between the areas. Ms. <br /> Delfino expressed additional concern related to the swale, collection of <br /> water in it, and problems with people dumping garbage. She said <br /> backyards will face the swale. She said all these features should not <br /> be in a wildlife habitat. She described flooding in 1982 and 1983 and <br /> said this is a minimum area for mammals. Calvin Platt said the buffer <br /> area is between the homes and the habitat and it performs several <br /> functions. He described the swale, planted areas, trail and their <br /> purposes. He said there is not access to the habitat area, however, it <br /> can still be seen and enjoyed. He said the natural planting area <br /> provides a transition. He said they consulted with the biologist and <br /> environmental people who indicated this was the best way to bring people <br /> to the property and protect the habitat area. Ms. Delfino made <br /> additional comments related to the swale and buffer area. Ed Alvarez <br /> described the design of the buffer and the reasoning behind it. He said <br /> the Fish and Wildlife Service has given every indication that this <br />