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• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 2, 1994 Page - 12 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Ann Hague, 1102 San Rafael. Street, said San Leandro has many cultural , <br /> artistic, and historical activities, as well as many talented artists. <br /> She expressed concern about the process and expressed concern that Mrs. <br /> Campbell painted the mural after her Application was rejected by the <br /> Planning Commission. She said the questions being asked by the Council <br /> were legitimate, and she was concerned approval might set a precedent. <br /> Cindie Camozzi , 536 Harlan Street, said the issue was not the pictures <br /> in the mural . She said she thought a mural would be a picture in its <br /> entirety, not a group of pictures. She said Harlan Street is a small <br /> street, and there is not a lot of room for parking, so people tend to <br /> park in her driveway. She said the railroad is nearby and could be a <br /> hazard. She said Mrs. Campbell refused to abide by the rules related <br /> to signs and the information regarding lighting was not in her original <br /> plan. Ms. Camozzi said the law was broken in violation of procedures. <br /> She said if the City Council did not back the Planning Commission there <br /> would be a lot of people doing whatever they wanted to and feeling <br /> there would be no consequences involved. She noted the artists were <br /> not involved in the community. She also submitted a petition signed by <br /> people opposing the mural . <br /> Dana Johnson, Farrelly Drive, said the mural is a violation of City <br /> codes and ordinances established to protect the citizens of San <br /> Leandro. He felt the artists were using the First Amendment to break <br /> the law; and, if this is permitted, no laws will be able to be <br /> enforced. He said he felt there was a safety issue and showed a <br /> picture of a 19-month-old child looking at the mural , which is only 45 <br /> feet away from the railroad track, without fencing or other protective <br /> devices. He said the issue is one of the rights of citizens who have <br /> demanded rules and regulations. <br /> Jean Rosen, 6 Dolores Way, Orinda, said she was formerly a teacher in <br /> San Leandro and painted three panels on the mural . She said no traffic <br /> accidents occurred when 50 women were moving up and down on <br /> scaffolding, painting the mural'. She said the Planning Commission was <br /> ill prepared to deal with the community of artists and are not <br /> qualified to make any kind of decision except whether the mural should <br /> go up or not. She said the Planning Commission talked about content, <br /> which was not the issue; and there was a clear anti-female bias. She <br /> said the Commission was pressured by big business. She said the mural <br /> is now part of the National Gallery of Women's Art in D.C. and hopes it <br /> will be allowed to stay. <br /> Shirley Davini , 2000 Lake Chabot Road, said she personally does not <br /> like the mural but feels that is irrelevant. She said the issue is <br /> that the Planning Commission denied the project and was blatantly <br /> ignored. She said, if the City Council overrules the ruling of the <br /> Planning Commission, they will render the Planning Commission <br /> powerless. <br />