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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 2, 1994 Page - 9 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Mrs. Campbell gave the Latin definition of a mural and described other <br /> murals. <br /> Council Member Myers noted that the violation of the zoning laws seemed <br /> to be over-shadowing the good of the mural . There was continued <br /> discussion regarding the timing of the series of Hearings on this <br /> matter and Mrs. Campbell 's timing in terms of painting the mural . <br /> Steve Meyers, City Attorney, said the fundamental issue before the City <br /> Council was the question of freedom of expression and the City's power <br /> to regulate the use of property to protect the public health, safety, <br /> and welfare. He said, not at issue was content, the type of art work, <br /> etc. He said the mural represents a form of protected free speech, but <br /> the City can regulate the time, place, and manner of such a <br /> communication. He said the Zoning Code regulates non-commercial murals <br /> to ensure they will not pose a hazard to the public, and that is the <br /> only issue before the Council . <br /> The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> John Campbell , 14655 Outrigger Drive, said he is Mrs. Campbell 's son, <br /> and has worked on this program with her. He said the first copy of the <br /> Zoning Code they received, which included the reference to non- <br /> commercial murals, was dated October 21 ; and he felt the reference to <br /> murals could have been put in the Code after Mrs. Campbell 's initial <br /> contact. He said Mrs. Campbell proceeded with painting the mural <br /> because she felt the Planning Commission had no intention of giving her <br /> a fair hearing, and no matter what she brought forth her request would <br /> be denied. He said the sign giving the name on the mural is over 18 <br /> inches because they considered it to be an integral part of the piece, <br /> not a sign. <br /> Council Member Polvorosa said he felt Mrs. Campbell had adequate time <br /> to submit sketches and expressed concern over the size of the words. <br /> Mr. Campbell said he and his mother looked at all of the ramifications <br /> involved in painting or not painting and felt they had no choice but to <br /> proceed with the mural . <br /> In response to City Council questions, he said they were not prepared <br /> for the reception they received at the Planning Commission, especially <br /> on the issues of public safety and traffic hazards. He said, if they <br /> had waited to appeal the matter to the City Council before painting the <br /> mural , the project would have been destroyed. Mr. Campbell said he <br /> believes staff recognized the validity of what they were trying to do <br /> and were making an honest attempt to deal with something that had never <br /> been brought to them before. <br />