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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - May 2, 1994 Page - 10 - <br /> • <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Judy Oser, P. 0. Box 21342, Piedmont, Attorney for the Appellant, said <br /> the standard of review which should have been used is spelled out in <br /> City and State laws. She said the only consideration is welfare of the <br /> citizens of San Leandro. She said the General Plan supports civic, <br /> ethnic, and cultural activities. She said there have been no traffic <br /> accidents at the mural site. She said the fact the mural was painted <br /> immediately after the Planning Commission Hearing was a non-issue and <br /> the dilatoriness was not on the part of the Applicant but on the part <br /> of the City. <br /> John Kaplan, 1400 Carpentier Street, said, although the mural is not <br /> what he likes to see, he supports it. He said it is not a safety <br /> hazard or pornographic but is a matter of free speech. <br /> Harold Kitzmann, 13730 East 14th Street, recommended the City Council <br /> vote in favor of the mural and waive the violations of the ordinance. <br /> Peter Stenstrud, 882 Douglas Drive, a teacher with the Hayward Unified <br /> School District, Child Development Program, said the objections to the <br /> mural are not based on legality. He said San Francisco is full of <br /> murals, and there are no auto accidents at the sites. He felt <br /> • <br /> objections were based on racism, sexism, and homophobia. He <br /> recommended the City let the mural stay and that the City and artists <br /> work together to find other areas on which to paint murals. <br /> Rick Richards, 335 Peralta Avenue, said he did not find the mural <br /> offensive. He did see a problem with the process and with Mrs. <br /> Campbell 's violation of the process. He said she should have appealed <br /> the denial and worked on having the ordinance changed. He recommended <br /> the City Council permit the mural but impose the fees. <br /> Saleema DeMarko, 958 Collier Drive, said she participated in the mural , <br /> it was a great pleasure to work on, and she regrets it is so <br /> controversial . <br /> Sterling Kinnel , 3705 Anza Way, said she feels there are people in this <br /> community who prefer bland industrial buildings and graffiti . She said <br /> when the arts flourish so does business. She said other communities <br /> are known for their magnificent art, not for the magnificent <br /> ordinances. <br /> Daniel DeSoto, 555 Joaquin Avenue, said the mural is something that <br /> brings a little life to the City, and Mrs. Campbell should be <br /> commended. He said he feels government and officials bend the law when <br /> they want to; and, if they get too rigid, they prevent a lot of good <br /> things from happening. <br />