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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - June 6, 1994 Page - 13 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> built, a traffic signal would be installed on Haas at East 14th <br /> Street; and it will still be possible to reduce traffic to levels <br /> that are lower than those that exist today without Walgreen's. <br /> In response to City Council questions, Mr. Oliver pointed out <br /> there will be no net increase in employees in the expanded City <br /> Hall building and noted that 15 employees had been moved to the <br /> Library. He said there will be adequate parking for all <br /> employees. <br /> Tim Kelly, Kaiser/Marston Associates, said they looked at the <br /> financial feasibility and re-use of the subject building. He <br /> said it is difficult to finance and re-use because of the <br /> hazardous materials mitigation work that must be done. He said <br /> the office market is not good at this time. He said the highest <br /> and best use of the site is retail , and a strong tenant is needed <br /> who has adequate financing. He said drug stores are <br /> traditionally anchor tenants for viable commercial streets and <br /> attract pedestrians and other retail tenants. He said this <br /> proposal represents a major private investment in the area and <br /> can serve as a catalyst for other uses. <br /> Bob Maginnis, San Leandro Police Chief, spoke regarding the <br /> Police Department's experience with drug stores and crime. He <br /> said drug stores located in strip-mall situations tend to have <br /> more crime than stand-alone drug stores. He said 70-80% of the <br /> reported crimes are petty theft within the store; 10% is bad <br /> checks, forgeries, counterfeits, etc. ; and 10% is miscellaneous, <br /> such as car thefts, break-ins, vehicular accidents, or arguments. <br /> He said the majority of the calls come between noon and 7:00 p.m. <br /> He said most stores have on-site security. He said stand-alone <br /> stores have fewer incidences. He provided the crime statistics <br /> for the Haas Avenue area. <br /> • <br /> In response to City Council questions, Chief Maginnis said drug <br /> stores do not generally have violent types of crimes related, for <br /> example, to Quik-Stop-type markets. He said drive-thru windows <br /> are generally not subject to robberies. <br /> The City Council asked for information on the difference in crime <br /> rates for stores that were open from 7:00 a.m. to midnight, <br /> compared to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The City Council also asked <br /> for information regarding a difference in crime rates between <br /> stores that do and do not sell alcohol . <br />