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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - September 6, 1994 Page - 8 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> b. Minute Order No. 94-42. Matter of Funding for Program with the <br /> Chamber of Commerce Regarding Economic Development and Retention. <br /> (2774) <br /> On motion by Council Member Polvorosa, who moved its approval , <br /> seconded by Council Member Loeffler, and carried by a majority vote <br /> (6) , with Council Member Kerr absent (1) , the City Council approved <br /> funding for a program with the Chamber of Commerce regarding <br /> economic development and retention, and Mayor Corbett appointed a <br /> subcommittee regarding the Economic Development Advisory Board, <br /> consisting of herself and Council Members Galvan and Loeffler. <br /> H. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken. <br /> City Attorney Steve Meyers reported there was no final action taken; <br /> therefore, no report was required. <br /> 8. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> None <br /> 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> A. Council Member Loeffler said he was impressed with the turnout at the <br /> Town Hall Meetings on Fire Consolidation. He said he would like to <br /> have more participation from the public attending the meetings. <br /> B. Council Member Loeffler said he had attended a number of special events <br /> and enjoyed them, including the Art Show and the Summer Reading <br /> Program, which he said had a great turnout of young families and <br /> children. He also commended staff for the PAL Baseball League. <br /> C. Council Member Loeffler noted school is now open for all children and <br /> asked people to remember to drive carefully. <br /> D. Council Member Polvorosa asked that staff look into a way of having the <br /> out-going Youth Advisory Commissioners continue to work with the <br /> Commission in some form, perhaps as advisors, because they are a very <br /> valuable resource which should not be lost to the community. <br /> E. Council Member Perry said she is proof that some people who have been <br /> Youth Advisory Commissioners do come back and work in the community. <br /> F. Council Member Perry commended the Library for the Summer Reading <br /> Carnival . She said the Optimist booth had 3,000 balloons and ran out. <br /> She said it was the largest turnout she has seen and it is growing and <br /> growing. <br />