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r <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - October 10, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> D. Council Member Polvorosa said he also cannot vote on the Measure, but <br /> two of his areas do; one has stated they are against Measure D, and he <br /> has to honor their position. He personally is in favor and thinks it <br /> is essential to the community to have good schools. <br /> E. Council Member Perry said she supports the bond. She believes we need <br /> to do this for our kids, but there is a divergence of opinion in the <br /> public; and, as a Council Member, she must acknowledge that there are <br /> people in her district who do not support it. We must get the truth of <br /> the needs to the community and keep our schools and children <br /> competitive. <br /> F. Council Member Galvan said he made the motion to table the Resolution <br /> because, although he personally supports the Measure and feels it is <br /> vital for education in San Leandro, the Council is elected to support <br /> all views. He said he supports it personally and will work to see that <br /> it passes. He noted the matter can come back at a future date, after <br /> the tour. <br /> 6. ADJOURN <br /> The City Council adjourned its Special Meeting at 6:55 p.m. to: <br /> TOUR WITH SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES -- Immediately <br /> Following the Special City Council Meeting <br /> Tour of Representative Schools to be Funded by Measure D: <br /> --San Leandro High School <br /> --Thomas Jefferson Elementary School <br /> --James Monroe Elementary School <br /> NOTE: Bus transportation was provided for the City Council , School Board, and <br /> staff. Bus space available for the public on a first-come, first-served basis. <br /> The bus departed from the front of City Hall immediately following the Special <br /> City Council Meeting. <br /> *The City Council , School Board and staff were served a buffet dinner in the <br /> City Council Conference Room at 6:00 p.m. No City or School District business <br /> was enacted. <br /> APPROVED: <br /> L 'N M. CORBETT <br /> / <br /> 1/614-- <br /> Mayor of the City of San Leandro <br /> Attest: � <br /> Alice Calvert, City Clerk D:\MINUTES\1994\101094 <br />