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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 7, 1994 Page - 11 - <br /> 9. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> A. Council Member Perry expressed her heart-felt sympathy to the family of <br /> Evelyna LeBlanc. She said people have a feeling of fear. She noted <br /> crimes against women are on the rise. She said the Daily Review <br /> article was completely off base and the Police Department is working <br /> toward resolution. She said this is the time for the community to come <br /> together; and, if someone has even a small piece of information, please <br /> call the Police Department and let them know. She requested that the <br /> City Council and Mayor look at ways we can educate our young people to <br /> think smart and suggested the Council work with the school liaison <br /> committees. <br /> B. Mayor Corbett noted that, although the Partnership for Youth Safety <br /> Committee was dissolved, its work will be realigned and the focus will <br /> be through the City/School District liaison committees. She said this <br /> will include meeting with the full school boards on a regular basis and <br /> focusing on the East Bay Crime Corridor and utilizing its resources. <br /> C. Council Member Kerr said he attended the Alameda County Chapter of the <br /> Freedom Foundation of Valley Forge Luncheon on Saturday. He discussed <br /> the speakers and the ceremonies. <br /> D. Council Member Kerr said he had reported on the use of humps and <br /> roundabouts on streets in New Zealand. He noted there are three speed <br /> humps on Apricot Street near the Oakland border, and they are very <br /> effective in controlling traffic. <br /> E. Council Member Kerr said he had attended a board and commission session <br /> in Long Beach. He said the City Council should meet with all Boards <br /> and Commissions and find out what they are doing and determine the <br /> value of the Boards and Commissions. He said the existing Boards and <br /> Commissions should be continued and vacancies should be filled. <br /> F. Council Member Loeffler said on November 2 he attended the Alameda <br /> Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting. He said the Executive <br /> Director was authorized to submit a request for funding to develop the <br /> Alameda Science City and the Center for Technology. He said Alameda is <br /> using utility bills to survey people. He said a soccer field has been <br /> transferred to the people. He said the loss of the base has a major <br /> impact on secondary and elementary education because a loss of students <br /> affects funding. He said San Leandro is third in order of impact from <br /> the closure. <br /> G. Council Member Loeffler said he attended a Creekside Neighborhood <br /> Association meeting regarding the fire consolidation, and most of the <br /> people attending had favorable comments. <br /> H. Council Member Loeffler thanked Council Member Galvan for walking with <br /> him regarding Measure D. <br />