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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - November 7, 1994 Page - 12 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> I . Council Member Loeffler said this is a sad day in San Leandro. He said <br /> schools flew their flags at half mast in memory of Evelyna LeBlanc. He <br /> said it is the first time in his career a student has been lost to gun <br /> violence. He suggested that, when a student is killed by gun violence, <br /> flags throughout the community should be flown at half mast. He said <br /> children are victims of gun violence and word needs to get out to the <br /> community. He said we all share in the sadness of Evelyna's family and <br /> her fellow students. <br /> J. Council Member Myers reminded everyone to vote tomorrow and make a <br /> difference. <br /> K. Mayor Corbett expressed her condolences to the LeBlanc family. She <br /> said San Leandro cares very much about its youth and its community <br /> members. She thanked the Police Department for their great sensitivity <br /> in handling the situation and said they do not deserve the comments of <br /> the newspaper. <br /> L. Mayor Corbett said she attended a federal update on the crime bill by <br /> Barbara Boxer. She said it appears funding will be available for an <br /> additional two years beyond the initial three-year period and the <br /> details will be forthcoming. <br /> M. Mayor Corbett said she believes there is no higher honor than to have <br /> been chosen by the community to serve as their elected official . She <br /> said this is serious business and sometimes day-to-day we forget how <br /> serious it is. She said the charge to an elected official is to <br /> protect the health, safety and welfare of the community. She said <br /> these times demand that we continuously move forward to meet the <br /> challenge of today, and we cannot afford to get sidetracked by small <br /> issues. She said she believes she is a builder, not a blamer; and she <br /> asked each and every one in the room and on the Council to join with <br /> her as a builder and not a blamer - to move forward to build our <br /> community and to get the important work done, because the job is just <br /> too big for any of us to do it on our own and there is really no other <br /> way to do it. She said she wanted to repeat to the Council that her <br /> door is always open and, for anyone who has forgotten that or didn't <br /> know, she wanted to let them know that it is still open. <br />