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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - December 5, 1994 Page - 3 - <br /> 6. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered <br /> for approval by the City Council with one single action. The City Council <br /> may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. <br /> Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been read by title. <br /> The Consent Calendar was approved as follows: <br /> Introduced by Council Member Kerr, who moved adoption of the Consent <br /> Calendar, with all items deemed to have been read by title, seconded by <br /> Council Member Myers, and carried by a majority vote (7) . <br /> A. Minutes of the meeting of November 21, 1994. <br /> B. Resolution No. 94-210, Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications <br /> and Calling for Bids for Water Pollution Control Plant Fixed-Film <br /> Reactor Distributor Replacement, Project No. 593-8552 (provides for the <br /> replacement of the existing, deteriorated distributor mechanism for the <br /> Fixed-Film Reactor) . (2777) <br /> C. Ordinance No. 94-027, An Urgency Ordinance Repealing and Reenacting <br /> Chapter 2 of Title II of the San Leandro Municipal Code Relating to <br /> Business License Classifications and Fees for the Usual and Current <br /> Expenses of the City and Making This Matter an Urgency Measure to Take <br /> Effect Immediately (provides for redefinition/clarification of various <br /> business classifications and other minor enforcement provisions and no <br /> change in fees) . (1203) <br /> - Passed to Print and Adopted <br /> Council Member Kerr asked why this was an urgency measure. Staff <br /> explained that it relates to City taxes and, therefore, is routinely <br /> presented as an urgency measure. <br /> 7. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. Resolution No. 94-211 , Resolution Nominating and Appointing Members to <br /> the Youth Advisory Commission (appointment of Commissioners to fill <br /> scheduled vacancies) - Corina Cottier (District 6) and Dante Baker (At <br /> Large) . (2680) <br /> Introduced by Council Member Myers, who moved its adoption, seconded by <br /> Council Member Perry, and carried by a majority vote (7) . <br /> The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office. <br /> Corina Cottier said she is a senior at Lincoln. She suggested that the <br /> City create a "Youth As a Resource Program. " She said Bob Williams had <br /> been working with youths on this activity, and she would like to see it <br /> carried forward. <br /> Mayor Corbett noted that the City is part of the East Bay Crime <br /> Corridor, and one of the goals is to establish youth and family <br /> resource centers on a regional basis. <br />