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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - December 19, 1994 Page - 13 - <br /> CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS (continued) <br /> I . Council Member Polvorosa said he is a proponent of eradicating graffiti <br /> and noted the City's Fire Department has adopted some sound walls. <br /> J. Council Member Polvorosa wished everyone a happy and safe Holiday. <br /> K. Council Member Perry said she enjoyed the activities downtown and noted <br /> a number of activities in which she participated, including the C-SPAN <br /> bus event; caroling with the Broadmoor neighbors with Mayor Corbett; <br /> participating with the Library in obtaining a grant for Spanish books; <br /> and attending the Friends of the Library "It's a Wrap" musical . She <br /> wished everyone Happy Holidays. <br /> L. Council Member Galvan said the Council Members can encourage people to <br /> adopt freeway soundwalls as his homeowners' association did for the <br /> Grand Avenue offramp. He wished everyone Happy Holidays. <br /> M. Mayor Corbett wished everyone Happy Holidays and took a look back at <br /> the accomplishments of 1994, a "champagne year. " She noted the City <br /> had hired a new Economic Development Director; obtained 5500,000 in <br /> funding through the Crime Bill ; and become part of the East Bay <br /> Corridor. She noted the revival of local business associations; the <br /> construction of the North Wing of City Hall and the seismic retrofit to <br /> commence; the cost savings in the consolidation of the Community <br /> Services Department; and the decisions by Macy's and Costco to remain <br /> in San Leandro. She thanked the City Council for their diligent <br /> efforts and commitment to the community. <br /> 10. ADJOURN <br /> The City Council adjourned its meeting at 10:35 p.m. <br /> APPROVED: <br /> 1 <br /> ELLE' M. CORBETT <br /> �/Q . ,or of the City of San Leandro <br /> Attest. <br /> Alice Calvert, City Clerk <br /> D:\M IN UTES11 99411 21 994 <br />