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• <br /> Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - April 6, 1992 Page - 18 - <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) <br /> Council Member Corbett asked if the type of sampling that has been done <br /> so far turned up any problems or if the PEA would turn up something <br /> new. Mr. McManus said there is always a possibility that something new <br /> would be discovered, but he did not anticipate there would be any <br /> problems. <br /> Mayor Karp asked, if there is any contamination, approximately how far <br /> down under the soil would it be. Mr. McManus said he assumed it would <br /> be approximately 6-12 inches. <br /> Carl Springer, TJKM Traffic Engineers, said they have been involved in <br /> the project since 1987 when there was a proposal for 2,400 units, <br /> encompassing impacts on 31 intersections. He said there are now only <br /> 21 intersections involved. He said the scope of the traffic study was <br /> to take traffic counts in August at 21 intersections, then an <br /> additional 4 intersections after Route 238/880 was complete. He said <br /> they looked at the proposed project in several different sizes and they <br /> attempt to identify off-site traffic impacts. He said this does not <br /> mean the traffic will not increase or worsen, but it does mean that the <br /> peak hour of the day level of service at various intersections should <br /> not fall below level D as a result of the project. He said they found <br /> no locations in the 21 intersections where it would fall below level of <br /> service D. He said there are four locations that are operating in <br /> heavy conditions near the freeway and will continue to do so. He said <br /> the applicant will make improvements at Lewelling Boulevard and Wicks. <br /> He said they also looked at 27 other locations throughout the City to <br /> determine what impact this project might have. He said they also <br /> considered sign access and emergency vehicle access. He said they <br /> studied the need for a railroad grade separation but determined it was <br /> not needed as long as two additional emergency vehicle accesses were <br /> provided. <br /> Mayor Karp asked if the Fairway/Aladdin overpass, which will be <br /> constructed, was considered in their investigations. Mr. Springer said <br /> it was not. <br /> Council Member Glaze asked if they had studied major intersections to <br /> adjacent developments, such as Mission Bay's entrance and the <br /> intersections of Wicks/Burkhart and Lewelling/Calgary. Mr. Springer <br /> said no they did not; the locations that were reviewed were determined <br /> with staff. <br /> The City Council said they felt this matter, as well as the fact that <br /> there are shopping centers and major access to other areas of town, <br /> should be followed up as part of the Precise Development Plan. <br /> Council Member Perry said public transit is of concern and needs to be <br /> addressed because the A.C. Transit situation has changed. <br />