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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - March 18, 1991 Page - 4 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> D. Motion Approving Carnival Application, St. Leander School . <br /> Norm Weisbrod, Associate Planner, said this was the third year St. <br /> Leander was requesting approval of a Carnival for fund-raising purposes. <br /> He said the Carnival would consist of rides, games, and food and would <br /> be located between the school building and Ryan O'Connell Hall . He said <br /> conditions for operation of the Carnival had been imposed by various <br /> departments and would be relayed to the Carnival operator. <br /> The following Motion was then introduced: <br /> MINUTE ORDER NO. 91-18 (1372) <br /> MOTION APPROVING CARNIVAL APPLICATION <br /> ST. LEANDER SCHOOL <br /> MAY 24-27, 1991 <br /> On motion by Council Member Corbett who moved its approval , seconded by Council <br /> Member Perry and carried by the following called vote, the City Council approved <br /> the Carnival Application. <br /> AYES: Council Members Corbett, Faria, Glaze, Perry, Polvorosa, Santos; <br /> Mayor Karp ( 7 -) <br /> NOES: None ( 0 ) <br /> ABSENT: None ( 0 ) <br /> E. Joint Resolution with the National League of Cities, United States <br /> Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties Seeking <br /> Federal Legislation to Provide Regulatory Relief and Consumer <br /> Alternatives for the Cable Television Industry. <br /> Council Member Corbett said she felt the Resolution should include <br /> wording to the effect that consumer alternatives and competition for <br /> existing cable television would be provided through all available <br /> options, including, but not limited to, a local telephone network. <br /> Mayor Karp noted the Resolution on the City Council 's Agenda was the same <br /> as that which has been adopted by a number of other cities. The City <br /> Council requested that the approved Resolution be forwarded with a cover <br /> letter indicating that alternatives to cable television were not limited <br /> to telephone networks only but were open to all appropriate suppliers. <br />