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Minutes - San Leandro City Council Meeting - August 19, 1991 Page - 9 - <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> The City Council further discussed the problems associated with <br /> dangerous dogs. They said the City's ordinance had been adopted in 1988 <br /> in reaction to dog bite problems throughout the country. They said <br /> enforcement, training and education are important elements to this <br /> problem. The City Council said that the appropriate approach to this <br /> issue is to evaluate enforcement of the City's current ordinance. <br /> Elizabeth Burenton, attorney for two of the three victims of recent dog- <br /> bites in the San Leandro division of the U.S.P.S. , said she has written <br /> twice to the City Manager and hasn't received any response regarding <br /> these bites, and would appreciate a response to the letters . <br /> John Denegri , San Leandro resident and retired postal carrier, said <br /> public awareness is important. He recommended that the public be <br /> advised about this issue via the City's newsletter. He complimented <br /> the San Leandro Animal Control Officers and feels the problem can be <br /> combatted with the combined efforts of the City and the U.S.P.S. <br /> Joanne Kennedy, 655 Maude, a letter carrier and a San Leandro resident, <br /> said she feels it is important to balance the rights of individuals to <br /> own dangerous dogs with the rights of individuals to be safe from <br /> vicious-dog attacks. She said decisions made by the City Council need <br /> to be made with thoughtful consideration by the City leaders and not <br /> left to the individuals disputing the issue in the neighborhoods. <br /> The City Council directed staff to evaluate the City's dangerous-dog <br /> ordinance and provide recommendations regarding changes in the <br /> ordinance, breed-specific language in the ordinance, and enforcement <br /> of the ordinance. <br /> B. Matter of Castro/Williams Streets Intersection Modifications. <br /> Roy Parker, Transportation Administrator, reported on the existing and <br /> future right-of-way modifications at this intersection. He said there <br /> have been two accidents at this intersection in the past 3 1/2 years, <br /> both involving west-bound cars. He said there have been no accidents <br /> caused by east-bound traffic. He said the only protest to the proposed <br /> modifications came from the Neves family, the homeowners whose property <br /> is adjacent to the site. <br /> Council Member Santos said he attended all three neighborhood meetings <br /> regarding this matter. He said this is one of the widest residential <br /> streets in San Leandro. He said the issue of the proposed modifications <br /> came up during neighborhood meetings due to resident complaints of <br /> speeding on the street, thus making the turn from Williams Street a <br /> hazard. He said the neighborhood has asked for a correction to this <br /> intersection to prevent a future collision, and the City is responding <br /> to the majority of the neighbors to bring this intersection to the <br /> design that it should normally be. <br />