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Minutes 2 October 30, 1991 <br /> Joint Work Session <br /> City Council/Redevelopment Agency/ <br /> Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Adjustments <br /> Al Rosenga of the Associated Homeowners inquired about potential for BART to <br /> acquire additional land for parking. Mr. O'Banion related that such an activity <br /> at the San Leandro Station is probably a low priority and that, in general , BART <br /> prefers to expand parking facilities within its existing property holdings. <br /> Fred Marley of Peralta Creek Adobe Condos commented on the proposed San Leandro <br /> Creek walk and potential problems, and asked how the element would be handled. <br /> Mr. O'Banion explained that he felt the potential problems could be resolved with <br /> design solutions and that the element should not be dismissed from the plan until <br /> design solutions are explored. <br /> Steve Shepherd of 683 Thornton Street expressed concern regarding the costs to <br /> property owners to provide amenities suggested in the plan and stated that <br /> implementation of the guidelines should be sensitive to individual circumstances. <br /> Frank Murray, 1548 San Leandro Boulevard, asked for a definition of "long term" <br /> as used in the plan and discussion and was advised that, in general , it means <br /> beyond 10 years. <br /> Al Plute of St. Leander's School Board expressed concerns about and opposition <br /> to the proposal for a small urban park at the southeast corner of Clarke and <br /> Davis Streets next to Casa Peralta and across the street from St. Leander <br /> Elementary School . <br /> Mr. Plute commented on the present residential use of the site serving a need for <br /> low-income senior housing and the potential for the site meeting such a need in <br /> the future. <br /> Mrs. Parkman of Peralta Creek Tower stated that the proposed San Leandro Creek <br /> walk and urban park elements, if developed, would attract undesirable and <br /> homeless people. <br /> Ken Goyeau, explained the presence and value to the City of 12 low-cost/income <br /> housing units for senior citizens on property owned by Mrs. Moutinho at 1240 <br /> Clarke Street. He also commented on the proximity of two existing City parks to <br /> the site. Mr. Goyeau stated that the average age of tenants on the site is 84 <br /> years and average rent paid is $383. Mr. O'Banion responded by explaining that <br /> the proposed park is merely an option use that should be considered if and when <br /> the property becomes available, and that there is no proposal to remove the <br /> existing housing units. <br /> Mrs. Linda Stutzman, representing Mrs. Moutinho, the owner of 1240 Clarke Street, <br /> stated that the site is a very desirable housing location for senior citizens <br /> because of its close proximity to downtown, public transit and varied goods and <br /> services. She cited various statistics related to the need for and availability <br /> of low-cost senior housing in San Leandro. Mrs. Stutzman urged that <br /> consideration be given to designating the Moutinho property for residential use <br />