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File Number: 14-062 <br />and County for their local streets maintenance and safety program. Local cities and the <br />County will set their priorities within a framework that supports complete streets -where the <br />needs of all users of city and County streets, including cars, trucks, pedestrians, bicyclists, <br />seniors, youth, and people with disabilities are encompassed in our street systems designs. <br />Clean Transportation, Community Development and Technology and Innovation <br />Investments will fund bicycle and pedestrian paths and safety; community developments to <br />improve transportation choices and access to jobs, housing, and schools; and new <br />technological advances in transportation management and information. <br />Alameda County's bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure extends the reach of transit services <br />and expands safety for youth, seniors, and all users of the County's streets. These <br />investments support non-polluting and sustainable travel, and contribute to public health and <br />quality of life. Investments will improve bicycle and pedestrian paths and other infrastructure <br />and provide programs that encourage people to bike and walk. In particular, the Safe Routes <br />to School Program encourages the County's youth to adopt safe and healthy habits for their <br />transportation to school. <br />Community development investments will improve every part of the County, enhancing areas <br />around BART stations and bus transfer hubs slated for new development, and support <br />communities to improve connections between transportation, housing, jobs, and education. <br />Investments in technological innovations will support projects that reduce greenhouse gases <br />and pollution by increasing the use of non -auto types of transportation. <br />New Investments Will Restore Services, Meet Growing Transportation Needs, and <br />Create Good Jobs <br />The 2014 Transportation Expenditure Plan will expand BART, bus, and rail services within <br />Alameda County; keep transit fares affordable for youth, seniors, and people with disabilities; <br />provide traffic relief on city streets and highways using new technology; improve air quality; <br />and create good quality, local jobs. <br />The 2014 Plan supports an environmentally sustainable future and will transform our <br />transportation network over the coming decades to meet our growing needs, while supporting <br />jobs as our local economy continues to recover. <br />To implement the Plan, the Alameda CTC will create policies supporting the hiring of local <br />contractors, businesses, and residents from Alameda County as applicable in the expenditure <br />of these funds. <br />TEP projects that directly or indirectly benefit San Leandro include the following: <br />• Transit <br />o FLEX Shuttle Funding <br />o East 14th Street AC Transit BRT Project <br />o BART Station Modernization <br />Local Streets & Roads <br />o San Leandro Local Streets and Roads (LSR) <br />City of San Leandro Page 5 Printed on 2125/2014 <br />