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M I S I P (Heystek/Browne) to adopt Personnel Rules IX -XV with agreement that Rules XVI and <br />XVII will be reviewed when the entire Personnel Rules are brought back for final adoption. <br />IV. EMPLOYMENT LIST EXTENSIONS: Secretary Bellow reported that there were no employment list <br />extensions recommended at this time. <br />V. SUMMARY OF DEPARTMENTAL ACTIVITIES & INFORMATIONAL LISTING: Secretary <br />Bellow reported on the activities of the Human Resources Department. <br />VL HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER'S REPORT: HR Manager Bellow reported that the City has <br />implemented a new dental carrier, Delta Dental, beginning 2014. This change resulted in a savings to <br />the City of approximately $25,000. <br />Human Resources has also held employee wellness workshops and is working on targeted training in <br />the areas of Fall Protection and Slips, Trips and Falls. This is in response to activity from the Workers <br />Compensation injury report. <br />Chair Badger asked that the Summary of Departmental Activities and Human Resources Manager <br />Report categories be combined in the future as the reporting seems to cover both areas. <br />VII. MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Ballew thanked the staff for their work. <br />VIII. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m. <br />Signed: <br />Chairperson O. B. Badger <br />Date: <br />G:\PRB\Minutes\2014\1.16.14 Meeting Minutes.docx <br />